Saturday 7 October 2017

Navegador De Forex

Se anima a todos los espectadores de este sitio a consultar con un representante con licencia de su elección con respecto a cualquier estrategia comercial o de comercio en particular. No se ha hecho ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en este sitio web. El desempeño pasado de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de futuros resultados comerciales.

Importante: La información contenida aquí no es una invitación para intercambiar ninguna inversión específica. Negociación requiere arriesgar dinero en la búsqueda de ganancias futuras. Esa es su decisión. No arriesgues dinero que no puedas perder. Este documento no tiene en cuenta sus circunstancias financieras o personales. Está destinado únicamente a fines educativos y NO como asesoramiento individualizado de inversión. El hecho de no buscar asesoramiento detallado profesional y personalizado antes de actuar podría llevarlo a actuar en contra de sus propios intereses o lo que es adecuado para sus necesidades y circunstancias particulares y podría conducir a pérdidas de capital.



Bajo ninguna circunstancia ForexNavigator. net o sus propietarios, afiliados o asociados legítimos serán de ninguna manera responsables por cualquier pérdida incurrida por usted. Por favor refiérase a las reglas de corredores, limitaciones, renuncias y avisos legales para obtener más información sobre sus obligaciones y derechos como titular de una cuenta en su corretaje.

Descargo de responsabilidad y advertencia de riesgo. Por favor lee.

Advertencia de Riesgo. La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

Aviso Legal Toda la información publicada en este sitio web es de nuestra opinión y de la opinión de nuestros visitantes, y puede que no refleje la verdad. Utilice su propio buen juicio y busque el asesoramiento de un consultor cualificado, antes de creer y aceptar cualquier información publicada en este sitio web. También nos reservamos el derecho de eliminar, editar, mover o cerrar cualquier publicación por cualquier motivo.

Anuncios Advertencia Los enlaces de publicidad se muestran en todo el sitio. Algunas páginas del sitio pueden contener enlaces de afiliados para productos. Estos anuncios y / o enlaces no reflejan la opinión, el respaldo o la concurrencia de este sitio web o de las partes afiliadas. Las revisiones de la FPA nunca son influenciadas por la publicidad. Algunos anuncios pueden contener afirmaciones potencialmente engañosas y / o desequilibradas e información que puede no revelar los riesgos y otras consideraciones importantes involucradas en el comercio especulativo.

Spammers be Warned Si envía spam a los foros o comentarios de FPA, nos reservamos el derecho de editar su publicación de la forma que desee para burlarse de usted. Al enviarnos spam, usted acepta las modificaciones que hacemos y no emprenda acciones legales u otras contra la FPA o sus asociados por cualquier cosa que hagamos o con su spam.





Acerca de

ForexPeaceArmy. com tiene relaciones publicitarias y afiliadas con algunas de las compañías mencionadas en este sitio y puede ser compensado si los lectores siguen los enlaces y registrarse. Estamos comprometidos con el manejo imparcial de revisiones y publicaciones independientemente de estas relaciones.

&dupdo; Copyright www. ForexPeaceArmy. com. Todos los derechos reservados.

& # 8482; Forex Peace Army, ForexPeaceArmy, FPA y el logotipo de FPA Shield son marcas registradas del Forex Peace Army. Todos los derechos reservados bajo EE. UU. y el derecho internacional.

El ejército de la paz de la divisa confía en la publicidad de la bandera para mantenerla LIBRE para todos. También puede ayudar - considere la posibilidad de inhabilitar AdBlocker mientras navega por nuestro sitio. Gracias de nuestra comunidad de comerciantes :-)

Descargo de responsabilidad y advertencia de riesgo. Por favor lee.

Advertencia de Riesgo. La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

Aviso Legal Toda la información publicada en este sitio web es de nuestra opinión y de la opinión de nuestros visitantes, y puede que no refleje la verdad. Utilice su propio buen juicio y busque el asesoramiento de un consultor cualificado, antes de creer y aceptar cualquier información publicada en este sitio web. También nos reservamos el derecho de eliminar, editar, mover o cerrar cualquier publicación por cualquier motivo.

Anuncios Advertencia Los enlaces de publicidad se muestran en todo el sitio. Algunas páginas del sitio pueden contener enlaces de afiliados para productos. Estos anuncios y / o enlaces no reflejan la opinión, el respaldo o la concurrencia de este sitio web o de las partes afiliadas. Las revisiones de la FPA nunca son influenciadas por la publicidad. Algunos anuncios pueden contener afirmaciones potencialmente engañosas y / o desequilibradas e información que puede no revelar los riesgos y otras consideraciones importantes involucradas en el comercio especulativo.

Spammers be Warned Si envía spam a los foros o comentarios de FPA, nos reservamos el derecho de editar su publicación de la forma que desee para burlarse de usted. Al enviarnos spam, usted acepta las modificaciones que hacemos y no emprenda acciones legales u otras contra la FPA o sus asociados por cualquier cosa que hagamos o con su spam.





Acerca de

ForexPeaceArmy. com tiene relaciones publicitarias y afiliadas con algunas de las compañías mencionadas en este sitio y puede ser compensado si los lectores siguen los enlaces y registrarse. Estamos comprometidos con el manejo imparcial de revisiones y publicaciones independientemente de estas relaciones.

&dupdo; Copyright www. ForexPeaceArmy. com. Todos los derechos reservados.

& # 8482; Forex Peace Army, ForexPeaceArmy, FPA y el logotipo de FPA Shield son marcas registradas del Forex Peace Army. Todos los derechos reservados bajo EE. UU. y el derecho internacional.

El ejército de la paz de la divisa confía en la publicidad de la bandera para mantenerla LIBRE para todos. También puede ayudar - considere la posibilidad de inhabilitar AdBlocker mientras navega por nuestro sitio. Gracias de nuestra comunidad de comerciantes :-)

Navegador de Forex

Navegador de Forex es un nuevo sistema de comercio basado en nueve indicadores que fue construido para ganar $ 1600 al día para el mercado con nada más que clics del ratón. El video en el sitio web realmente no parece proporcionar nada sobre el sistema y sólo le dice sobre el mercado Forex que si usted está mirando el software que probablemente ya sabe.

Hoy estaré viendo este software proporcionándole información valiosa que necesita para tomar la decisión de compra correcta.

Revisión de Forex Navigator

Inmediatamente tengo problemas con la página web del navegador Forex. Odio comenzar así, pero los errores de gramática y ortografía aquí son agresivos y muy poco profesional. Puedo ver que en la parte superior de la página web de las dos primeras palabras el secreto, el secreto está escrito mal. Cualquier desarrollador que no está pasando el tiempo para mirar a través de su página web y deletrear palabras correctamente obviamente me preocupa. ¿Qué más podría haber salido mal, los indicadores funcionan correctamente? Estas son algunas de las preguntas que tengo.

La estrategia de Forex navegador no se discute en la página web que es otra mala señal. No hay resultados en esta página web fuera de un puñado de capturas de pantalla que muestra cómo funciona el sistema. Lamentablemente no han proporcionado suficiente información aquí para que llegue a una determinación completa.

Hoy no puedo recomendar el navegador Forex. La página web es poco desarrollada y poco profesional. Hay errores de ortografía en toda la página y es muy difícil para mí invertir dinero en un software o un equipo de personas que no pueden escribir correctamente financiero. Si usted está buscando ayuda con Forex o simplemente quiere aprender a hacer más pips entonces no dude en dejar un comentario o enviarme un correo electrónico. Hay una página de contacto en la parte superior del sitio si hace clic en que podría enviarme un correo electrónico y podemos tener un chat. Si desea dejar un comentario sobre el navegador de Forex por favor haga eso también, agradezco todo lo que los lectores de la nación de robot de Forex tienen que ofrecer.

Es su dinero y usted merece saber lo que está pasando cada día. Esta es la razón por la que video cada sesión de negociación y proporcionarle un resumen de fin de día para mostrar los oficios que tomamos y por qué tomamos ellos. Esta transparencia nos aferra a nuestras reglas de administración de riesgos también le permite ver lo que está sucediendo detrás de las escenas.

¿Qué clase de vuelta puedo esperar?

En primer lugar, nos sentimos obligados a hacerle saber que los rendimientos proyectados indignante anunciado por la mayoría de los sistemas de comercio de divisas y EAs no son realistas para el comercio a largo plazo y por lo general requieren mucho más riesgo por comercio de un comerciante profesional nunca riesgo.

Dicho esto, puede ver un gráfico a continuación que muestra las rentabilidades potenciales basadas en la aplicación de los métodos de negociación que utilizamos (nuestra ventaja comercial) para el comercio durante la sesión de EE. UU. en los últimos 2 años. Negociamos con un riesgo fijo de 1% por operación y limitamos nuestro riesgo máximo diario al 3%.

Gobierno de los Estados Unidos Exención de Responsabilidad - Commodity Futures Trading Commission El comercio de futuros y opciones tiene grandes recompensas potenciales, pero también un gran riesgo potencial. Debe ser consciente de los riesgos y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos para invertir en los mercados de futuros y opciones. No negocie con dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Esto no es ni una solicitud ni una oferta de compra / venta de futuros u opciones. No se está haciendo ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en este sitio web. El desempeño pasado de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros.

Comercio bajo su propio riesgo. La información proporcionada aquí es de la naturaleza de un comentario general solamente y no pretende ni pretende ser, asesoramiento comercial específico. Se ha preparado sin tener en cuenta los objetivos de inversión de ninguna persona en particular, su situación financiera y sus necesidades particulares. La información no debe ser considerada como una oferta o atractivo para comprar, vender o comerciar.

Usted debe buscar consejo apropiado de su corredor, o asesor de inversiones con licencia, antes de tomar cualquier acción. El rendimiento pasado no garantiza resultados futuros. Los resultados de rendimiento simulados contienen limitaciones inherentes. A diferencia de los registros de desempeño reales, los resultados pueden compensar o no compensar tales factores como la falta de liquidez. No se hace ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener beneficios o pérdidas a los mostrados.


El rendimiento comercial mostrado en este documento es hipotético. Los resultados hipotéticos de rendimiento tienen muchas limitaciones inherentes, algunas de las cuales se describen a continuación. No se hace ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las mostradas. De hecho, hay frecuentemente fuertes diferencias entre los resultados de rendimiento hipotético y los resultados reales logrados posteriormente por cualquier programa de comercio en particular. Una de las limitaciones de los resultados hipotéticos de rendimiento comercial es que generalmente se preparan con el beneficio de la retrospectiva. Además, el comercio hipotético no implica riesgo financiero, y ningún registro de operaciones hipotético puede explicar completamente el impacto del riesgo financiero en la negociación real. Por ejemplo, la capacidad de soportar las pérdidas o adherirse a un programa de comercio particular a pesar de las pérdidas comerciales son puntos importantes que también pueden afectar adversamente los resultados comerciales reales. Existen numerosos otros factores relacionados con los mercados en general o con la aplicación de cualquier programa específico de negociación que no puedan tenerse plenamente en cuenta en la preparación de resultados hipotéticos de rendimiento y que puedan afectar negativamente a los resultados reales de negociación.

Sí, quiero que el comercio de divisas Navigator para el comercio para mí! ¡Me sentaré detrás, usted conduce!

ForexTradeNavigator se complace en ofrecerle la oportunidad de participar en Forex sin la necesidad de aprender métodos comerciales complicados, el uso de robots de riesgo, o gastar su tiempo ya limitado de seguimiento de los mercados.

Es fácil empezar de inmediato!

Sin costos / honorarios mensuales

Comisión basada en Rendimiento (20% de Ganancia)

Cuota de inscripción única de sólo $ 497

Soluciones inteligentes para un comercio más inteligente

Software de Trading que le da la ventaja

Corte el ruido con señales claras y herramientas avanzadas de análisis

Rellenos rápidos con interfaz de entrada de órdenes fácil

Cierre en sus oficios con la gestión comercial completa

Conocer los fundamentos sin ser un asistente de investigación

Gane mientras aprende con entrenamiento 1: 1 y comercio simulado

Pruebas intuitivas y análisis de Monte Carlo

Nunca estás solo con el servicio al cliente en vivo

Escucha lo que dicen los profesionales de la industria acerca de Trade Navigator

"Si desea seguir sus mercados con un servicio de cartera de acciones y de precios estupendos a un precio realmente razonable, consulte Trade Navigator."

La página de afiliados de Forex Navigator

Su Enlace de Afiliado: http://XXXXX. forex1631.hop. clickbank. net/

Estimado amigo, grande que tomó la decisión de convertirse en un afiliado de Forex Navigator. La mejor manera de promocionarlo es mostrar a la gente cómo funciona a través de sus propios estados de cuenta, pero también compilamos algunos otros materiales útiles que deberían ayudarlo a comercializarlo.

¡Usted ganará hasta $ 92 por venta! Los pagos de afiliados se manejan en Clickbank y se le paga cada mes.

Baja tasa de reembolso = Hemos invertido meses en el desarrollo de un indicador de Forex realmente bueno que produce resultados REALES. Esto asegura que tendrá baja tasa de reembolso y obtener el máximo provecho de su tráfico!

Alta conversión de ventas que incluye pruebas y reportes de ganancias. Esperamos que esto se convierta a 2-3% con EPC muy alto.

Usted recibirá la comisión del 60% de nuestros productos de alta calidad que harán que cada uno que usted refiere satisface. Esta es una situación de ganar-ganar.

Creemos que nuestros productos crearán alta respuesta de su lista. Hemos escrito nuestra página de ventas con buen diseño, pruebas sólidas y testimonios. ¡Es hora de que usted gane en cheques GRANDES de la comisión fácilmente!

Http: // XXXXX. forex1631.hop. clickbank. net /

Seguimiento Swipes: (para aumentar las ventas en un 50%)

Emails alternativos que pueden causar una cantidad de clics insana.

Por lo general, es mejor transmitir estos correos electrónicos por la mañana, zona horaria del Este. Usted puede elegir cualquier correo electrónico a continuación, y explosión en cualquier momento, cualquier fecha. Mantenga la voladura ya que esto le hará importantes comisiones.

E-mails de Easy Income

PPC Google Adwords Palabras clave

Lo bueno de Forex Navigator es que el producto ha demostrado ser realmente rentable y la página de ventas altamente convertible. Hacer un beneficio utilizando Google Adwords muy simple! Comience a conectar algunas palabras clave en su cuenta y comience a enviar tráfico a nuestra página de ventas o, mejor aún, a su página de revisión o blog con los enlaces de afiliados.

Aquí hay algunas palabras clave relacionadas con Forex Navigator que le ayudarán a empezar:

Para su enorme éxito,

Equipo de Forex Navigator

Para la petición de la JV, los pls nos entran en contacto con en cualquier momento en rodking0@gmail. com

Revisión de Forex Navigator & # 8211; Servicio de cuentas administradas

Acerca de la cuenta administrada de Forex Navigation:

La empresa detrás de este servicio de cuenta administrada indica que el comercio de Forex ofrece una lucrativa oportunidad de inversión que le proporciona poseer las habilidades necesarias, conocimientos y herramientas. Como ahora ha logrado este estatus deseable después de casi seis años de exhaustiva investigación, Forex Navigator ha comenzado recientemente a ofrecer sus servicios al público en general.

Para convertirse en suscriptor de este corredor, debe completar los siguientes pasos simples:

& # 8211; Activar una cuenta con uno de los corredores recomendados

& # 8211; Abra una cuenta GRATUITA de 30 días con Forex Navigator

& # 8211; Ver y confirmar su crecimiento de la equidad durante el período de prueba.

Las cuentas administradas ofrecidas por esta firma son totalmente automatizadas para que no se involucre en el proceso en absoluto. En contraste, un consultor de Forex será asignado para monitorear y controlar su cuenta de forma continua. Esta persona identificará nuevas oportunidades comerciales de calidad utilizando estrategias y herramientas bien probadas. Las operaciones serán abiertas, rastreadas y cerradas automáticamente sin intervención de usted.

Como tal, no es necesario sentarse frente a su PC durante todo el reloj tratando de evaluar los mercados de divisas. Además, no hay software para instalar y no es necesario esperar a que las señales lleguen e interpreten. De hecho, usted puede trabajar o ir de fiesta todo el día como el navegador de Forex el comercio de su cuenta profesional y profesionalmente durante todo el día durante toda la semana de negociación.

Esta firma adopta e implementa un enfoque comercial conservador con la intención específica de generar ganancias constantes durante un extenso período de tiempo. En consecuencia, no será testigo de fluctuaciones salvajes en el saldo de su cuenta. En contraste, el objetivo primario es lograr rendimientos anuales que coincidan con los de las compañías de cobertura e inversión de renombre mundial. Las estrategias utilizan cumplir rigurosamente con estipulaciones estrictas que garantizan rendimientos consistentes, exposición de bajo riesgo y adherencia a conceptos de administración de dinero bien probados. Por lo tanto, siempre puede estar seguro de que su capital estará constantemente bien protegido de los estragos de las llamadas de margen y excesivas bajadas

La compañía posee muchos años de registros históricos que demuestran beneficios de dinero real que pueden ser fácilmente validados por los auditores de tercera parte. Como esta firma aprecia la importancia de la calidad de tales expedientes en la selección de un servicio de cuenta manejado de la divisa, abrió sus cuentas para el escrutinio público durante mediados de 2012. Además, un corredor de Forex nuevo fue seleccionado a principios de 2017 que Fue más compatible con los objetivos estratégicos generales de la empresa. También se ha acumulado otro lote de nuevos resultados de ensayo desde ese momento, el cual está de nuevo disponible para inspección.

Otro atractivo beneficio de Forex Navigation es que sus desarrolladores tienen tanta confianza en su capacidad para operar con éxito los mercados de divisas que ofrecen y soportan totalmente un período de prueba GRATUITO de 30 días. En consecuencia, puede observar y verificar que su capital crezca durante ese tiempo de prueba sin incurrir en ningún costo.

El proceso de convertirse en suscriptor no podría ser más simple, ya que no implica estar sujeto a alegaciones publicitarias salvajes. Además, no tiene que dedicar tiempo a instalar y configurar productos de software. En contraste, un consultor de Forex será asignado a su cuenta inmediatamente después de que usted se haya inscrito e inmediatamente comenzará a operar en los mercados de divisas usando estrategias y técnicas probadas. Sólo es necesario invertir un mínimo de $ 1,000 para activar este proceso.

Los desarrolladores de la Navegación de Forex parecen tener tanta confianza en la destreza de su servicio que están dispuestos a apoyar características atractivas, como un período de prueba de 30 días gratis. La pregunta principal es ¿puede este producto entregar beneficios de dinero real sobre una base consistente? Se inició una investigación para abordar esta consulta y los resultados de las pruebas se presentan en el siguiente diagrama.

El siguiente paso en este análisis fue desplegar una metodología capaz de evaluar la capacidad de este servicio para generar ganancias consistentes y valiosas. Este objetivo se logró deduciendo los siguientes parámetros utilizando los valores medios listados anteriormente.

1. Ratio ganancia-pérdida = 72%

2. Ratio de Recompensa a Riesgo = 1,66

Estos valores indican que el Navegador de Forex es capaz de generar un retorno de $ 26.44 por cada $ 1 arriesgado en un marco de tiempo extendido.

Una búsqueda en Internet no expuso ninguna observación útil que podría ayudar a respaldar el navegador de Forex o de lo contrario.

Una comisión de rendimiento mensual es cargo basado en el 40% de las nuevas ganancias. Usted no incurrirá en ningún costo a menos que el Navegador forex genera ganancias para usted en el mes anterior.

Los experimentos llevados a cabo con éxito demostrado que el navegador de Forex sin duda merece atención adicional. Esto se debe a que el valor de la expectativa es definitivamente impresionante, ya que implica que puede recaudar una ganancia de $ 26.44 por cada $ 1 que esté dispuesto a poner en riesgo.

Sin embargo, todavía debe adoptar una postura cautelosa hasta obtener una prueba sólida que verifica el rendimiento de este servicio. Una manera fácil de lograr este objetivo sería utilizar nuestro curso recomendado de acción.

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Mapa del sitio

programa de afiliación

Copyright Advertencia de riesgo: La negociación de instrumentos financieros conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo para su capital con la posibilidad de perder más de su inversión inicial. La negociación de instrumentos financieros puede no ser adecuada para todos los inversores y sólo está dirigida a personas mayores de 18 años. Asegúrese de tener plena conciencia de los riesgos involucrados y, en caso necesario, de obtener asesoramiento financiero independiente. También debe leer nuestros materiales de aprendizaje y advertencias de riesgo.

Renuncia de responsabilidad: El propietario del sitio web no será responsable de ninguna pérdida, responsabilidad, daño (ya sea directo, indirecto o consecuente), lesiones personales o gastos de cualquier naturaleza que pueda sufrir usted o cualquier tercero (Incluida su empresa), como resultado de o que puedan ser atribuibles, directa o indirectamente, a su acceso y uso del sitio web, cualquier información contenida en el sitio web

@ 2017 Investoo Lorem Ipsum, PLC. Todos los derechos reservados. Número de registro FCA 82888880

Descargue nuestro Indicador de opciones binarias con una ganancia de 83% ahora!

Ventajas de negociar con nuestro indicador BO:

83% ¡Promedio de las ganancias!

Fácil de usar BUY / SELL Señales comerciales

Proporciona señales a través de todos los marcos de tiempo

Funciona en todos los principales pares de divisas

Consígalo GRATIS ahora

Soluciones inteligentes para un comercio más inteligente

Software de Trading que le da la ventaja

Corte el ruido con señales claras y herramientas avanzadas de análisis

Rellenos rápidos con interfaz de entrada de órdenes fácil

Cierre en sus oficios con la gestión comercial completa

Conocer los fundamentos sin ser un asistente de investigación

Gane mientras aprende con entrenamiento 1: 1 y comercio simulado

Pruebas intuitivas y análisis de Monte Carlo

Nunca estás solo con el servicio al cliente en vivo

Escucha lo que dicen los profesionales de la industria acerca de Trade Navigator

"Si desea seguir sus mercados con un servicio de cartera de acciones y de precios estupendos por un precio realmente razonable, consulte Trade Navigator."

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FX Navigator - Trusted Forex Research


Acceda a análisis precisos y en tiempo real intra-día para 42 mercados de divisas y mercados de metales al contado.

Vea estrategias y señales de comercio constantemente rentables de nuestro equipo de analistas galardonados.

Visualice los niveles clave de soporte y resistencia del mercado para saber dónde ha estado el mercado y dónde va a seguir.


Ser alertados cuando los indicadores financieros clave se deben publicar, y ser actualizados con información rápidamente después de su lanzamiento a los mercados.

Aprender acerca de importantes desarrollos políticos y económicos en los principales mercados económicos y los impactos proyectados en sus monedas.


FXNavigator contiene software de gráficos personalizado suministrado por TraderMade utilizado por los profesionales del mercado en todo el mundo y con datos precisos de datos FX actuales e históricos sólo disponibles en los productos de gráficos TraderMade.

Puede crear y administrar sus gráficos en cualquier plataforma móvil.


Recibir una corriente constante de hasta la información minuto específicamente relacionada con los mercados de divisas tan pronto como sucedan.

Estar informado de movimientos de moneda importantes y eventos técnicos tan pronto como ocurran para que pueda tomar decisiones comerciales con conocimiento y ganar.

Explorar los mercados de divisas puede ser traicionero.

Cuente con FX Navigator para proporcionarle gráficos e investigaciones fiables para llegar a su destino financiero.


Análisis técnico

Nuestro galardonado equipo de análisis técnico está monitoreando constantemente 42 mercados de Forex y mercados de metales en busca de patrones técnicos y señales para identificar oportunidades comerciales a corto y mediano plazo.

Mantenemos y publicamos un conjunto graduado de niveles de soporte y resistencia de mercado, establecidos manualmente por los analistas para identificar las zonas clave a corto y mediano plazo en el mercado

En todo momento se proporciona un cuadro totalmente anotado, que muestra el análisis y la vinculación en el apoyo y los niveles de resistencia - y hacer proyecciones de mercado.

Investigación Económica y Noticias

Nuestro equipo de experimentados investigadores económicos del mercado le proporcionará un comentario perspicaz sobre las economías clave de todo el mundo.

Nos centramos en sólo los datos más relevantes y pertinentes para ofrecerle una visión concisa sobre cómo la moneda de las economías se comportará en el corto plazo en relación con otras monedas.

Cuando se combina con nuestro servicio de alertas (alertas en tiempo real sobre anuncios de indicadores y eventos reales del mercado) y las noticias que generamos, supervisamos y traemos a usted, usted tiene acceso a todas las noticias que necesitará como comerciante independiente.

Navegador de comercio

Trade Navigator, ha sido un innovador líder en la cartografía y el comercio de tecnologías desde 1983, proporcionando ultra-limpio, datos rápidos y excepcionalmente bien diseñado, una sola función y soluciones de software integral para los comerciantes en todos los niveles de experiencia. Además, TradeNavigator ha ganado elogios a nivel de toda la industria por nuestro insuperable nivel de soporte y capacitación in situ.

- Comercio desde el gráfico & amp; La escalera / DOM

- Ejecución de órdenes de un solo clic

- Funcionalidad de pedido con barra de pedido

- Streaming Replay Back Testing Strategies

- Escaleras de comercio configurables

- Plataforma de Trading y Análisis de Opciones

- Único, herramientas de dibujo de precisión

- Curvas de la cartera

- Alertas personalizadas

- Alertas dinámicas

- Historial extenso de las historias

- Tecnologías innovadoras de gráficos

- Gráficos Desmontables y Multi-Monitor

Enfoque centrado en el usuario pone las herramientas más poderosas de comercio a su disposición con el clic de un ratón que le permite pasar más tiempo haciendo operaciones exitosas y menos tiempo luchando con el software.

Con extensa y continuada aportación de los principales educadores, TradeNavigator es capaz de proporcionar soluciones oportunas que responden a los cambios en los métodos comerciales y el clima con una integración perfecta.

Ahora disponible con Rithmic Datafeed.

Negociación a través de un gráfico o una escala de comercio NavigatorвЂ~s в ў ў Trading a través de un gráfico o una función de escalera de precios permite al comerciante para colocar una orden de compra o venta de la carta o una escalera de precios. Esta función forma parte de la función Trade Consol.

Trade Console Trade Navigator "ў proporciona al comerciante la capacidad de realizar operaciones desde la plataforma de gráficos utilizando la capacidad de consolidación comercial. Estos negocios pueden ser ejecutados a través de Proactive Futures o en el sistema simulado.

Datos históricos de las señales El Navegador de Comercio "ў permite al Operador la capacidad de clasificar fácilmente los datos históricos de las señales.

Repetición instantánea Trade Navigator "ў permite al comerciante la posibilidad de seleccionar fácilmente el símbolo deseado, especificar un periodo de negociación y • reproducir de nuevo la sesión de negociación.

Alertas de gráficos Trade Navigator ™ ў proporciona una función de alerta que permite al comerciante ser notificado cuando ocurre el evento deseado. Se pueden mostrar mensajes de alerta.

Barras destacadas personalizadas Trade Navigator "ў proporciona una función de barra resaltada, que permite al comerciante ser notificado cuando se produce el evento deseado cambiando la barra a un color específico. El lenguaje de Trade Navigator "ў TradeSence в" can puede crear barras de resaltado verdaderamente únicas.

Indicadores de Gráficos Personalizables Trade Navigator "ў proporciona al comerciante cientos de indicadores de gráfico personalizables. Indicadores como: precio, media móvil, interés abierto, volumen, estocástico y cientos de otros indicadores. Trade Navigator†™ sв "ў TradeSence в" ў lenguaje permite la creación de indicadores únicos.

Exploraciones personalizadas o Criterios Trade Navigator "ў proporciona al Operador la oportunidad de crear Escaneos y Criterios basados ​​en la investigación del Trader y seleccionar para uso futuro los símbolos que cumplan con los requisitos de la exploración o los criterios.

Custom Filters Trade Navigator "ў proporciona al Operador la oportunidad de crear filtros únicos basados ​​en la investigación de Traders y seleccionar aquellos símbolos que cumplan los criterios indicados.

Custom Templates Trade Navigator "ў proporciona al Operador la oportunidad de crear plantillas basadas en su propia investigación e importar plantillas de comerciantes o educadores de terceros.

Herramientas de dibujo Trade Navigator "ў proporciona al comerciante una amplia gama de herramientas de dibujo para anotar un gráfico con.

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Programas para partners

Los usuarios de MB Trading (MBT) y MB Trading Futures (MBTF) deben revisar las siguientes disposiciones e indicar su acuerdo con estas disposiciones haciendo clic en "Acepto" a continuación.

MBT y MBTF proporciona enlaces de terceros y aplicaciones de software únicamente como una conveniencia o para fines educativos o informativos para sus usuarios. Los clientes / usuarios de MBT y MBTF deben revisar las siguientes disposiciones e indicar su conformidad con estas disposiciones haciendo clic en "Acepto" a continuación.

MBT y MBTF, incluyendo sus funcionarios, miembros o empleados, pueden: (1) tener una afiliación con proveedores independientes de terceros; (2) tener control directo o indirecto sobre terceros proveedores independientes; Y / o (3) tienen discreción para alterar el contenido de cualquier enlace o aplicación de software de terceros.

MBT y MBTF revisan el contenido de sitios web de terceros para el cumplimiento de las reglas o regulaciones federales, estatales o de SRO con respecto al material promocional, incluyendo publicidad, a menos que, de lo contrario, no sea requerido por la regulación. Al vincular a cualquier sitio web de terceros, usted reconoce y afirma que al hacer clic en un enlace de terceros, inmediatamente dejará un sitio web mantenido por MBT y MBTF. Además, reconoce que todos los sitios web a los que se accede a través de cualquier aplicación de terceros no están controlados por MBT y MBTF, excepto por MBT y el sitio web de MBTF.

MBT y MBTF no garantiza la puntualidad, exactitud o integridad de cualquier hecho, material o información contenida en cualquier sitio web de terceros que esté fuera del control o conocimiento de MBT y MBTF. Por otra parte, MBT y MBTF no garantiza la funcionalidad de cualquier aplicación de terceros descargados de su sitio web. Al hacer clic en cualquier enlace de terceros o descargar cualquier aplicación de terceros, por la presente confirma y acepta que MBT y MBTF no serán responsables de ninguna pérdida o daño causado por el uso o confianza en hechos, material o información obtenida a través del uso Del sitio web o aplicación de terceros o por cualquier pérdida o daño causado por el uso de una aplicación de terceros.

Cualquier opinión o recomendación expresada en cualquier sitio web de terceros o en cualquier aplicación de terceros son únicamente los de los proveedores independientes y no son las opiniones, recomendaciones o necesariamente las opiniones de MBT y MBTF. Además, MBT y MBTF no proporcionan ningún asesoramiento legal, fiscal, contable o de inversión en relación con la idoneidad o la rentabilidad de cualquier información sobre valores o inversiones contenida en el sitio web de terceros. Dichos enlaces no constituyen una solicitud de MBTF ni de MBTF para comprar o vender ningún valor u otra inversión.

MBT y MBTF se reservan el derecho, a su sola discreción, de añadir o interrumpir enlaces de terceros o descargas de aplicaciones de software en su sitio web en cualquier momento y por cualquier razón. Las marcas registradas, los logotipos y las marcas de servicio representados en este sitio web son marcas comerciales de sus respectivas compañías. Se concedió permiso para su uso.

Visión de conjunto

Lea las noticias sobre MB Trading.

NOTA IMPORTANTE: Las opciones se ejercen automáticamente si son 1 ¢ o más en el dinero. Por favor llame a nuestra mesa de comercio para ejercer una opción que es menos de 1 ¢ en el dinero.

MB Trading, miembro de IB FINRA, SIPC; MB Trading Futures, Inc. RFED / IB y miembro de NFA. La negociación en futuros, opciones y Forex es de naturaleza especulativa y no es apropiada para todos los inversores. Los inversores sólo deben utilizar capital de riesgo al negociar futuros, opciones y Forex porque siempre existe el riesgo de pérdidas sustanciales. MBTFS y MBTFX a veces se denominan colectivamente en este documento como "MB Trading".

1 MB Trading FX ofrece dos modelos de precios de Forex. Ambos modelos emplean nuestro RFED al cliente que enfrenta el sistema de ejecución con precios ligeramente diferentes y modelos de marcado. Por razones de claridad, los dos modelos de precios (Plan 1 y Plan 2) funcionan con la misma tecnología. La tecnología subyacente se denomina MB Trading Electronic Xrossing Network, abreviado como EXN para el resto de esta renuncia. El principal diferenciador entre los modelos es doble.

A. Diferencia en la cantidad de markup o markdown de cotizaciones de socios de liquidez (bancos) cuando se muestran a los clientes. B. Estructura de la Comisión cargada al cliente

El Plan 1 o el plan "Pagar por Límite" emplea la tecnología EXN en un modelo de comisión. Este modelo cobra a un cliente 2.50 en su moneda base por 100k de moneda ejecutada por órdenes de mercado y paga a un cliente .50 de moneda base por órdenes con límite ejecutadas y ejecutadas. En el modelo Pay for Limits, el término "Payment for Limit Order" se refiere a un pedido no comercial que no es inmediatamente ejecutable y se basa en el libro interno de órdenes por límite durante algún período de tiempo, agregando liquidez cuando otro pedido de igual o Mayor valor se llena con el orden de reposo.

Plan Libre de la Comisión emplea la tecnología EXN en un plan único de marcado, lo que significa que MB Trading recibe una compensación incrustada en el spread como compensación. Este plan no agrega una comisión adicional, no paga al cliente un reembolso por la liquidez anunciada ya que el Plan 1 todavía ofrece el beneficio de permitir que el cliente publique cotizaciones que se muestran a todos los otros clientes en el Plan 2.

Información adicional a tener en cuenta es que el contador "Total Total Pago a Clientes" se mantiene en el sitio web de la empresa que muestra el número real de Moneda Total Pago a Clientes que se actualiza cada cinco minutos y deja de contar durante el fin de semana cuando el mercado está cerrado. El número calcula desde el lanzamiento de Pay for Limits, que fue el 31 de enero de 2011.

Debido al mayor costo de los negocios en China, "Recibir pagos por órdenes de límite" no está disponible para los residentes chinos. Todos los residentes chinos tienen un honorario de 2.50 para todos los tipos de orden. Las cuentas con tarifas especiales de comisión están excluidas del pago por órdenes límite. Hay un honorario mínimo de $ 0.01 para todas las órdenes de comercio de la divisa y del punto que toman liquidez.

MB Trading obtuvo una calificación 4.5 de 5 estrellas en la reseña de 2011 de Barron de corredores en línea, empatando para el primer puesto en general. La compañía ganó un total de 33,8 puntos, una décima de un punto bajo la puntuación más alta. MB Trading también anotó entre los tres primeros por categorías separadas de Gama de Ofertas, Experiencia de Comercio, Tecnología de Negocio, Usabilidad, y Servicio al Cliente y Educación. MB Trading obtuvo una calificación 4.5 de 5 estrellas en la revisión 2010 de Barron de corredores en línea. La compañía ocupó el segundo lugar en el ranking general y empató en el primer puesto en las categorías de Experiencia de Comercio y Análisis de Cartera y Reportes. La compañía también ganó la categoría de Usabilidad. La compañía también empató el primer lugar en las categorías separadas de "Mejor para Comerciantes Frecuentes" y "Mejor para Comerciantes de Opciones". Esta encuesta evaluó 27 empresas en línea y no incluye todos los corredores en línea.

* Cotizaciones Forex en tiempo real se proporcionan a través de la API de cotización MBT. Las cotizaciones están disponibles durante las horas de la plataforma desde el domingo a las 5 pm EST hasta el viernes a las 5 pm EST, excepto durante el período de mantenimiento programado de 4:58 pm a 5:06 pm EST. Los periodos de mantenimiento extendido son posibles y los mensajes relacionados con el mantenimiento se envían a través de las plataformas de comercio MBT Desktop, MBT Desktop Pro y MBT Web 2.0. Además, MBT comienza el mantenimiento de MetaTrader 4 a las 4:57 pm EST, un minuto antes.

MB Trading ofrece la traducción de Google de nuestro sitio web con fines educativos o informativos para sus clientes internacionales. Los gráficos, las aplicaciones y algunas partes del sitio web no se traducen. Los clientes deben asumir la responsabilidad exclusiva de evaluar su traducción regional antes de tomar cualquier decisión basada en tal información fuera de lo que representa la versión en inglés del sitio. Opera1111.00

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El uso de este sitio web constituye la aceptación de la siguiente información legal. Cualquier contrato de instrumentos financieros ofrecido a la conclusión de tener altos riesgos y puede dar lugar a la pérdida total de los fondos depositados. Antes de realizar transacciones uno debe familiarizarse con los riesgos a los que se relacionan. Toda la información que aparece en el sitio web (revisiones, noticias de los corredores, comentarios, análisis, cotizaciones, pronósticos u otros materiales de información proporcionados por Forex Ratings, así como información proporcionada por los socios), incluyendo información gráfica sobre las compañías de divisas, corredores y Se trata únicamente de fines informativos, no es un medio de publicidad y no implica instrucciones directas para invertir. Forex Ratings no será responsable de ninguna pérdida, incluida la pérdida ilimitada de fondos, que pueda surgir directa o indirectamente del uso de esta información. El personal editorial del sitio web no asume ninguna responsabilidad por el contenido de los comentarios o comentarios realizados por los usuarios del sitio sobre las empresas de divisas. Toda la responsabilidad del contenido recae en los comentaristas. La reimpresión de los materiales sólo está disponible con el permiso de la redacción.

El navegador de opciones - Artículos de Forex para principiantes en las calificaciones de Forex

El navegador de opciones

Hoy, discutimos un robot comercial recientemente lanzado llamado el navegador de la opción. Esta herramienta innovadora quiere hacer las vidas de los comerciantes mucho más fáciles, ayudándoles a hacer ganancias rápidas y grandes. ¿Cómo es eso posible? Bueno, el software utiliza un sistema serio, lo que permite a los inversores a seguir las señales comerciales correctas y, por tanto, hacer predicciones precisas que eventualmente, conducir al éxito financiero. ¿Quién no querría aprovechar ese programa? Es de fácil acceso y uso, proporciona un entorno seguro y fácil de usar y permite oportunidades comerciales únicas.

Y hay más. ¡Es completamente gratis! Para empezar, sólo tiene que abrir una cuenta en el sitio web y otra con su corredor preferible. A continuación, debe depositar el requisito mínimo en esa cuenta de negociación y, a continuación, simplemente conecte la cuenta del intermediario con la que se abrió en la página web del Navegador. Usted consigue utilizar el sistema para libre, sin ningunos costos ocultados o honorarios. Y usted no tiene que descargar nada, sólo tiene que abrir otra cuenta, además de la que utilizó para el comercio. ¡Es realmente tan simple!

Especialmente para Europa!

Los fundadores de Option Navigator eligieron lanzar su producto especialmente en los países europeos, ya que algunos de ellos representan básicamente los mercados más importantes del mundo. Alemania y los Países Bajos fueron los dos primeros países seleccionados, debido a su influencia y significado en el mundo comercial. Generalmente, éstas son también las primeras opciones de cualquier empresa que quiera introducir un nuevo producto en el mercado, así que no es de extrañar que el Navegador haya sido lanzado aquí.

Cuando se trata de comercio, la herramienta es bastante ventajosa, ya que permite que incluso los principiantes a la experiencia de comercio, a pesar de su conocimiento aún pobre en el comercio. Por lo tanto, no importa su nivel de experiencia, con el Option Navigator, sólo tiene que seguir las recomendaciones específicas del sistema. Esto es todo lo que tienes que hacer. Vea aquí cómo un comerciante hace más de 400 euros usando el Navegador Opcional.

Al negociar, los pasos principales son los siguientes:

Elija un activo, cualquier producto, par de divisas, índice o stock;

Establecer la cantidad de dinero que desea invertir;

Espere el consejo de Option Navigator y póngalo en práctica.

Las indicaciones que recibirá del sistema son bastante simples. Como saben, las opciones binarias permiten sólo dos posibles resultados, ya sea una llamada o una opción de venta. La herramienta hará automáticamente la elección para usted, en función del análisis que haga, dependiendo del activo seleccionado.

More and more money!

In order to earn more and more money with every single trade, you have to be consistent. This is the secret. Even though one trade may end up with a successful rate of return of 95%, the thing that matters the most is how much money you can make during an entire trading session, taking into consideration both in-the-money and out-of-the-money trades.

Let’s say that you are able to gain only 1% profit daily, but constantly. Even with such a low return rate, still the profits you make are quite impressive. Think about it, if you do this every day, during a year, an initial investment of only $1000 will be converted in more than 1,200,000, once that year is over. So, the key is not a huge payout rate, but consistency!

Having said all this, we hope you’ll join the system as soon as possible, in order to take advantage of all the opportunities is offers. You have nothing to lose. On the contrary, you can only benefit from all the unique feature and possibilities available only with the Option Navigator.

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Navigator Forex Card

Navigator Forex Card

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Multiple Currency Accessibility

You can have multiple currencies loaded on a single plastic card. No necesita llevar varios plásticos de tarjetas para cada moneda que gasta. Cada moneda cargada en su tarjeta se conoce como billetera, es decir, USD Wallet, GBP Wallet, etc. Puede utilizar su tarjeta Navigator Forex para retirar efectivo o pagar compras como Utiliza una tarjeta de débito / crédito.

Su tarjeta Navigator Forex es aceptada en más de 28 millones de establecimientos comerciales de todo el mundo que muestran la señalización Visa. Su tarjeta se puede utilizar en grandes almacenes, hoteles, hospitales, restaurantes, líneas aéreas, bombas de gasolina, el pago de derechos de aduana e incluso cuando se viaja de un lugar a otro.

Navigator Forex Card se puede utilizar para retirar dinero en efectivo en la moneda local del país en el que está pulg No más colas para comprar dinero en diferentes monedas en la India para su viaje de ultramar. And again, you don’t have to run around looking for Money changers to exchange your travelers cheques in unfamiliar lands.

Su tarjeta es una tarjeta chip EMV (Europay, Mastercard y Visa, un estándar global para la interoperabilidad de tarjetas de circuitos integrados) que ofrece una mayor seguridad al realizar transacciones. El microchip en la cara de esta tarjeta almacena los datos de los clientes de una manera segura, por lo que es extremadamente difícil de copiar. Esta avanzada tecnología es más eficaz para evitar que su tarjeta se copie para producir tarjetas falsificadas. Para una mejor aceptabilidad entre los comerciantes, las tarjetas EMV también contendrá una banda magnética en el reverso de la tarjeta para asegurar las transacciones de golpeo. Sin embargo, le recomendamos que utilice su tarjeta EMV Chip sólo en los terminales comerciales con capacidad de chip para evitar fraudes.

24-hour Customer Service

You can call the Axis Bank 24-hour helpline on +91 22 2764 8000 or write to deutsche. tcc@axisbank. com with your queries, complaints and most importantly register lost card reports.

Locked-in Exchange Rates

With the Navigator Forex Card, you will never have to worry about fluctuating exchange rates or unexpected fees since you lock in your exchange rate when you load the card.

Con el Navigator Forex Card puede dejar sus preocupaciones sobre el uso fraudulento de su tarjeta de lado. La tarjeta viene con mayor seguridad de una cubierta de seguro en caso de que haya alguna responsabilidad en una tarjeta perdida.

Cubierta del seguro: Cubierta de seguro de cortesía para protegerle de cualquier uso fraudulento en su tarjeta de Forex de Navigator debido a tarjetas perdidas / robadas / falsificadas. The insurance cover is provided upto INR 3,00,000/-

ATM assault and robbery: We provide cover upto INR 60,000/- including the expense incurred towards medical treatment. Por favor, tenga en cuenta FIR es obligatorio para asalto ATM y demanda de robo.

For Lost Card • Pre-reporting - 30 days • Post-reporting - 7 days

For Counterfeit / Skimmed Card • Pre-reporting - 38 days • Post-reporting - 7 days

Global Customer Assistance Service

This is a priced service provided by VISA. Los titulares de tarjetas de Navigator Forex pueden recibir asistencia del Servicio de Asistencia al Cliente de VISA Global las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana. El GCAS se puede usar para reportes de tarjetas perdidas / robadas, asistencia en efectivo de emergencia, reemplazo de tarjetas de emergencia o información miscelánea que pueda requerir en el extranjero.

Please note that these services are charged as follows:

Miscellaneous Customer Service Inquiries: USD 5 per enquiry.

Reporte de tarjeta perdida / robada: USD 35 por tarjeta.

Emergency Card Replacement (upto USD 2000): USD 25.

Emergency Cash Assistance: USD 175 (upto USD 5000); Additional handling charges: USD 25 on disbursement.

Haga clic aquí para obtener los números gratuitos de Visa.

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How to install a custom indicator to your MetaTrader 4 platform. 1. Locate and copy the MT4. Forexnavigator The Profitable Forex Indicator Forex System.

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Forex Navigator

As we all known, the finacial market is one of the most profitable industry. Here is the introduce Forex Navigator is a new generation of trading system. payment you will automatically receive an email with the link to download the indicator.

Forex Navigator

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Custom Forex Indicators that show trading signals

17 Feb 2017. Having good custom Forex indicators that identify trading signals is a good way. Forexnavigator The Profitable Forex Indicator Forex System.

Forexnavigator The Profitable Forex Indicator Forex System - Video.

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Trade Navigator

The Trade Navigator platform is recommended for electronic day traders who need charts, trailing stops, automated strategies.

Cannon Trading respects your privacy, all transactions are safe and secure with High-grade Encryption (AES-256, 256-bit keys) . We do not sell your information to third parties.

Trade Navigator Features

Receive fast, free and reliable market data straight from the exchanges.

The ability to automate data export into CSI, METASTOCK, CSV (EXCEL, etc.), and ASCII files.

The ability to create custom indicators based on math formulas or combinations of indicators.

The ability to create an unlimited amount of filter criteria. Search or scan for a variety of market conditions!

The ability to create an unlimited amount of chart templates. Save custom indicator combinations, colors, fonts and settings in general.

A maximum of 250 symbols on the Quote Board. Download up to 250 symbols with an automated updated every 10 Minutes.

The ability to create custom Quote Board fields. The delayed and real time quotes can update custom market conditions alerting your to market changes of you choice. (Candlesticks, Indicators and Price Patterns)

The ability to create custom highlighted bars to identify changing chart conditions. (Find candlestick patterns, overbought and o versold conditions, buying pressure, selling pressure and limitless combinations)

Cannon Trading Overview

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Forex Navigator

As we all known, the finacial market is one of the most profitable industry. Here is the introduce Forex Navigator is a new generation of trading system. payment you will automatically receive an email with the link to download the indicator.

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Custom Forex Indicators that show trading signals

17 Feb 2017. Having good custom Forex indicators that identify trading signals is a good way. Forexnavigator The Profitable Forex Indicator Forex System.

How to load a MT4 indicator into the MT4 Platform

How to install a custom indicator to your MetaTrader 4 platform. 1. Locate and copy the MT4. Forexnavigator The Profitable Forex Indicator Forex System.

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Aug 30, 2017. Show You An Amazing Forex System Named Forex Navigator! – Nine indicators – One Templates – Set up instruction – Lifetime using theÂ.

How to load a MT4 indicator into the MT4 Platform

How to install a custom indicator to your MetaTrader 4 platform. 1. Locate and copy the MT4. Forexnavigator The Profitable Forex Indicator Forex System.

Comercio Forex Trading

MetaTrader 4 Navigator Window - MetaTrader 4 Platform Tutorial

The MetaTrader 4 Navigator window is mainly used to navigate the most widely used areas of the MetaTrader 4 platform. These areas are:

Accounts: Demo and Live Accounts


Expert Advisors: A list of automated trading robots within this MT4 platform

Custom Indicators:

Scripts: Scripts are used to execute some tasks on the MT4

As a trader once you have selected the Navigator Button the following navigator window will appear on your MetaTrader 4.

Accounts Menu – Metatrader4 Navigator

The First menu option on the Navigator list is the Accounts tab. To view the accounts tab, you can click the expand button (marked as +), and a list of your saved accounts will appear. Every time you login with a new account the details will be saved under this “Accounts Tab”.

By double clicking on any account you can activate the login and login to that account. You can switch from one account to the other using this accounts tab.

The example below shows two accounts recorded under this tab, a demo account marked as a green cartoon and a Live account marked as a gold cartoon. From this accounts tab, a trader can switch between any of this two accounts by double clicking on any one of them.

Toma de 4 a 6 semanas para abrir una cuenta, abrir temprano o vía rápida: Lea el artículo "Procedimiento de apertura de cuenta"

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Indicators, Expert Advisors, Custom Indicators and Scripts – MetaTrader 4 Navigation Menu


Expert Advisors: A list of automated trading robots within this MT4 platform

Custom Indicators:

Scripts: Scripts are used to execute some tasks on the MT4

The above are shown below on the screenshot, to view more option under each of these, traders click the expand button “+ button”, this will show more options, to hide, just click the “- button” . For example the “Expert Advisors” option below has been expanded.

These topics will be covered in more details later, but for now as a trader the following brief introduction about each will do.

Indicators: Indicators are technical analysis tools used in trading and placed on Forex chart, these tools are used to generate buy and sell signals.

Expert Advisors: Automated Trading robots that are used to place trades by generating buy and sell signal automatically using programs that are coded using the MQL4 programming language.

Custom Indicators: A custom indicator includes an indicator that you have modified or downloaded from the internet and then installed it on your MetaTrader 4 platform, this indicator will be listed here as a “custom indicator”

Scripts: This is a function used to perform a certain task, for example if you open five trades and want to close all of them at once you can attach a “script close” on your chart thereby closing all open trades at once (However, you need to set up some setting on the MetaTrader to allow scripts execution trading, that is a topic for later.)

The Navigator will be one of your mainly used when trading, to access it using a shortcut, press “Ctrl+N” button on your keyboard to display or hide it.

Toma de 4 a 6 semanas para abrir una cuenta, abrir temprano o vía rápida: Lea el artículo "Procedimiento de apertura de cuenta"

Únete a 500.000 Comerciantes, Comercio con un Agente Regulado Europeo con Spreads tan bajo como cero: Lea el artículo "Regulated Broker"

You can quickly open or close this window using the Ctrl-N keyboard shortcuts.

The navigator is the universal window allowing to get access to such objects of the terminal as advisers, indicators and scripts.

Besides in the Navigator window you can switch between the real and demo accounts and to open new demos accounts, if you need any.

In group Accounts - you can see the list of the accounts which you opened. Real accounts are designated by an icon with the trader in a jacket of gold color, demonstration scores - an icon with the trader in a green jacket. To be connected to the account click on it with a left mouse button twice or having selected the score necessary to you click "Enter".

In group Indicators, Advisers, the User indicators and Scripts you can see the lists of corresponding objects.

Indicators are the graphic tools which are built in the terminal applied to the technical analysis of graphics.

The user indicators - indicators which the trader can add to the terminal by himself. To do this, copy the file of the indicator in the folder intended for the user indicators. Depending on the folder in which is installed your trading terminal the way to the folder can be for example the following.

Advisers are the special programs intended for automatic trade, or executing any service functions for the trader. You see an example of a folder path with advisers on the screen.

Scripts are also the programs, but in difference from advisers which work permanently, script is done only once after its installation on the graphic.

It is enough to set any of these object types you should select it for the graphic and to drag a mouse on a graphic window.

You can make Additional actions with objects by means of the shortcut menu caused by clicking of a right mouse button in lists.

Besides, by means of this shortcut menu any of objects can be added on the Favorites tab.

Reviews Or Scams

Forex Navigator

Before you buy it, try it. That’s the way it should go with just about everything. Every little thing ought to feature a trial period regardless if it’s a large merchandise such as a bike or a smaller sized merchandise. Experimenting with it could be the sole method that you could figure out for sure if it will meet its claims and thus if can work for you. If you can’t try it, the pursuing ideal thing is to always get started browsing critiques coming from dependable sources. I present a comprehensive Forex Navigator review to help you decide if this product could be the best purchase for you.

Product Short Details:

Best places to Purchase Forex Navigator:

Forex Navigator comes from their internet site, that you can go via this particular link below. The legal version of Forex Navigator isn’t distributed via other websites, even if you might run into several additional sites which link straight to the payment site. Having stated that, it is advisable to click to the vendor’s site to search for the cheapest price for Forex Navigator from the link below.

& # 8211; The program material makes use of simple English language without involving any complex jargons which makes it quite easy to understand the laid down concepts.

& # 8211; It is easy to download, easy to use and easy to understand.

& # 8211; It will improve your videos with superior audio content.

& # 8211; Since the program is available online, it is very easy to get access to it for every one.

& # 8211; The many testimonials that can be seen and heard.

& # 8211; Customer support is also available for any questions you may have. (I personally have contacted support and received quick replies from product author, sometimes within hours)

& # 8211; It comes with a Sixty Days Money back guarantee which makes your purchase secure.

& # 8211; I haven’t found any yet!

Electronic Format. Instant Delivery.

Is Forex Navigator Scam or Even Legit?

Freeware release of Forex Navigator should not be that comes with the web. And you can safely down load your risk free copy of Forex Navigator on the special low cost link below. Never trust a torrent sites, free download, mediafire, filesonic, rapidshare, megaupload, crack serial file or keygen and etc. Free serial keys and keygens include popular trojans and virusses, they could harmly damage your laptop try to total waste. Hopefully you like you enjoy your Forex Navigator Webpage after getting safely below.

Please look at owners web pages to view what they have to say about this product..

Visit Here to open Forex Navigator Official site in Full Page!

This Product was simple to down load and accessible instantly after payment through Cb which accepts credit cards as well as Paypal.

Our refund guarantee for all Clickbank. com products is as follows:

ClickBank will, at its discretion, allow for the return or replacement of any product within Sixty Days from the date of purchase. For recurring billing products, returns for more than one payment may be provided if requested within the standard 8 weeks return period.

Overall this course is well worth the price and I recommend highly Forex Navigator to anyone. If you want more information on this product or service, or are looking to purchase it, go there…

Simply Click Here To Check out Official Site

Forex Trend Navigator Review

Forex Trend Navigator Review Reviewed by admin on September 18. We do not know enough about Forex Trend Navigator yet, but that usually means it's a waste of money. Will revise this rating if we find something of substance to say about the robot. We haven't classified this as a scam yet. If you have tried Forex Trend Navigator then feel free to give a rating and leave a comment with your feedback. Rating: 0.75

Our Forex Trend Navigator Rating

1.5 Forex Trend Navigator

We do not know enough about Forex Trend Navigator yet, but that usually means it's a waste of money. Will revise this rating if we find something of substance to say about the robot. We haven't classified this as a scam yet. If you have tried Forex Trend Navigator then feel free to give a rating and leave a comment with your feedback.

Your Rating: User Rating:

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Forex And Trade Navigator:

Forex Megadroid Trading Robot Reveals 95.82% Accuracy In EVERY SINGLE Market Condition!

Reviews and Tested By Real Megadroid Users

If you are into automated Forex trading you probably know that most Forex Robots in the market rely on seeing what happened in the past to make trading decisions in the future!

If you are into forex robots you probably know why you read a review on Forex MegaDroid, because it's currently considered to be the most efficient, accurate forex robot you can possibly get. It's just different, read on the review to find out why:

New Artificial Intelligence advancements made it possible for MegaDroid robot to see into the near future with 95.82% accuracy and trade profitably with CONSISTENCY.

Forex MegaDroid is the first robot in the market with RCTPA Trading Technology, new artificial intelligence makes it the first Forex robot able to trade profitably in any market conditions.

1. It is a robot so you don't have to watch the trading all day long. You can have it setup and walk away.

2. Its not expensive just $97 so it won't be out of reach of traders. (Honestly if you can't afford $97 you don't have a big enough account to trade forex anyway!)

3. They have a 5 minute setup pledge. They say it only takes 5 minutes to download and install the robot. It was quite easy if you like to read stuff etc. You might take a little longer or if you are new to meta trader 4 brokers may take you a little longer but too long at all. Quite easy to setup.

4. Only trades the EUR/USD. For some people that is probably a drawback. I kind of like it. The reason its a very stable and well traded pair. So the spreads are very low no matter what broker you use.

5. It is a clickbank product so it has a 60 day money back guarantee. If its not making you money just send an email to clickbank and they will refund your money.

Forex MegaDroid RCTPA technology can offer now a different new approach to forex trading, forecasting trades instead of analysing old data and "guessing" profitable trades, is that what you are after?

It's the revolutionary RCTPA technology in Forex MegaDroid, no other forex robots in the market offers such benefit. See more on Forex And Trade Navigator

Comparing MegaDroid Vs. FAP Turbo Vs IVYBot

Technologically Superior with its US Patented RCTPA Technology, making it able to predict with advanced accuracy of up to 99%. Only trades USD, Euro. Very accurate results, with almost 99% winnings after 3 months of trial.

Featured by top Forex Trading brokers, seen on CNN, CNBC, Forex Online, Money Traders

One of the first Forex Trading Robots to hit the Market. Back then, a 75% Accuracy Prediction was considered a fantastic Feat. Trades all currencies, if you want action, go for this one

Advancement to the program has come to a halt. Programmers are no longer actively working on this. Sold as-is basis.

IVYBot, the newest forex robot system to join the family of automatic trading software.

Ok, one thing you MUST know about IVYBot is that its nothing different from FAP Turbo as its from the same developers, and uses the same technology. No patents as of yet, and no track records thus far. Basically the system is everything like FAP Turbo, in a different, packaging

Yes, tonnes of other people are talking about FAP Turbo as well as the recently launched IVYbot. Yes all three are automated Forex Trading robots, but the fact that FAP Turbo came out earlier is the probably cause of its fame. IVYbot shares the same hype as FAP as its from the same developers, and thus heavily marketed due to its high commission. However, IVYbot has no track records and no patennts.

MegaDroid came out a bit later, it has not been commercialized that much yet, but with its new RCTPA technology Patent, MegaDroid Forex Trading robot is by far the superior Forex trading robot. Scores of Professional Forex Traders has switched over to MegaDroid as the patented RCTPA technology offers stronger prediction accuracy!

Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned PRO, MegaDroid will be able to suit your needs as it is fully automated, and takes a very short time to master. The core component is its Patented RCTPA Technology, which is one of its kind in the market.

Forex Megadroid only trades in US/EURO, thus the trades are a lot more accurate. FAP Turbo and IVYbot trades all currencies, which of course gives it more variables for mistakes. In terms of activity, Forex Megadroid trades probably once or twice a week, but wiht super precision, making it 100% winning for us through the months we have tested it out. FAP and IVY trades a few times an hour! Sometimes even 1-3 times a min! Lot of movement. So if its ACTIVITY you want, get FAP and IVYbot, if its RESULTS that you desire, get Forex Megadroid.

Forex Megadroid Settings: Settings for Forex Megadroid is best at 10% Risk level, and Medium Aggressiveness. The program itself is a no brainer, and true to promise, it DOES take barely 5 mins to set up. It comes wiht default settings by the developer and its best to be followed. The manual Comes with REASONS why the settings are set this way. There is nothing special about the settings, its just 2 settings really, Risk Level and Aggressiveness. By default, its 10% Risk, Med Aggressiveness. This is the best setting, and with this settings, forex megadroid trades about 1-2 times a week with super precision. You CAN do 90% risk level, but that totally defeats the purpose of MAKING MONEY! jajaja

Megadroid has been featured on various fronts, including: CNN Money, CNBC, Money Networks, Bloomberg and scores of other Financial Magazines and Programs.

Forex And Trade Navigator

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Where To Buy: http://arithmetictrading. com/forex-trend-navigator/

& # 8211; Forex Trend Navigator digital download

Forex Trend Navigator is a forex trading software that trades on ten currency pairs as well as gold and silver. It claims to work on any time frame but reccomends users use H1. The software scans trend formations on multiple pairs and sends an alert when a profitable trade is found.

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Comentarios Recientes

@ wilsonbox Appreciate the help. S&M | 28Mar16 | Más

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great advice. hugbug | 28Mar16 | Más

Oh dear another flop. hugbug | 28Mar16 | Más

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&dupdo; Copyright More Money Review 2017. Todos los derechos reservados. Correo electrónico: moremoneyreview@moremoneyreview. com Más Money Review Limited. Casa de Curzon, 24 High Street, Banstead, Surrey, SM7 2LJ. Número de registro: 07774655 Número de IVA: GB 629 7287 94

Exención de responsabilidad: Debe advertirse que More Money Review no hace ninguna promesa de que cualquier producto o servicio ofrecido aquí esté garantizado para funcionar como sugiere el material de ventas. Simplemente pretendemos proporcionarle los hechos basados ​​en la experiencia de nuestros revisores, para que pueda tomar mejores decisiones sobre cualquier estrategia de ingresos extra que desee probar. Como es el caso con cualquier producto o servicio, sus resultados pueden variar y las ganancias potenciales podrían diferir dramáticamente. Tenga en cuenta que cualquier producto o servicio que usted compra a través del sitio web o nuestro boletín de correo electrónico se hace por su cuenta y riesgo.

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Commodity Futures Trading Commission Las operaciones de futuros y opciones tienen grandes recompensas potenciales, pero también un gran riesgo potencial. Debe ser consciente de los riesgos y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos para invertir en los mercados de futuros y opciones. No negocie con dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Esto no es ni una solicitud ni una oferta de compra / venta de futuros u opciones. No se ha hecho ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en este sitio web. El desempeño pasado de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros.


De hecho, hay frecuentemente fuertes diferencias entre los resultados de rendimiento hipotético y los resultados reales logrados posteriormente por cualquier programa de comercio en particular. El comercio hipotético no implica riesgo financiero, y ningún registro de operaciones hipotético puede explicar completamente el impacto del riesgo financiero en el comercio real.

Como se indicó anteriormente, los resultados comerciales simulados en las cuentas de demostración pueden ser inexactos y engañosos, ya que pueden no reflejar los resultados reales que el usuario vería en una cuenta real (utilizando dinero real). Por ejemplo, las cuentas de demostración no pueden reflejar factores tales como el "deslizamiento" de la ejecución del comercio, que ocurre en las cuentas de dinero real, pero no en las cuentas de demostración. El deslizamiento es la diferencia entre el precio esperado de un comercio (precio de mercado), y el precio que el comercio realmente se ejecuta en. El deslizamiento ocurre a menudo durante períodos de mayor volatilidad cuando se usan órdenes de mercado, y también cuando se ejecutan órdenes más grandes cuando puede no haber suficiente interés al nivel de precio deseado para mantener el precio esperado del comercio (conocida como "falta de liquidez" . Estos tipos de factores adversos deben tratarse en una cuenta de dinero real, pero normalmente no se reflejan en un entorno de cuenta de demostración. Por lo tanto, es totalmente posible que un robot de comercio muestra beneficios en una cuenta demo, pero tiene un desempeño pobre en una cuenta de dinero real. A menos que se especifique lo contrario, todos los resultados de negociación mostrados en este sitio son de cuentas de demostración.

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MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: Harmony Forex, LLC, the owner/operator of ExpertAdvisorsForex. com, has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this site and may be compensated when you purchase from, or use the services of, a provider.

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Prior to purchasing it, try it out. That’s the strategy it must go with everything. All things should come with a trial duration whether or not it’s a large product for instance a car or a smaller item. Experimenting with it could be the only way which you can figure out for sure whether it could live up to its promises and also whether will provide what you need. When you can’t give it a try, the second ideal thing is to get started on browsing reviews by trustworthy sources. We feature an in depth Forex Navigator review so you can determine if this item is the right purchase for you.

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I determined, in going through the review of Forex Navigator, that it’s in truth worth the cost. We don’t look at just what the PR implies about what it could do until after we have gone through and tried it in every single way possible. Subsequently, we go and verify what we found against the fact that was stated.

Should I owned a meter to measure the degree of a product that was a scam, Forex Navigator could barely move the needle.

The culmination of the Forex Navigator review is that you will see this merchandise is in no way a scam nor is there anything with regards to Forex Navigator that’s remotely costly or of poor quality.

Looking at all of the digitized nooks and crannies and scouring the net for facts, I can say with absolute certainty that product is a great item and not a fraud in any way shape or form. Forex Navigator is a fantastic deal for the affordable price and it is a well made product that really works it provides fully customer care. According to detailed analysis, we can responsibly tell you that this product is not a bad deal. Also author gives 100% Full Money Back Guarantee. You can download this product at a special discount from the hyperlink here.

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The Cutreviews. org performs independent reviews for dissatisfied customers. We saving time and cash with telling you what is worth to buy and what is really good for you. In a digital world, information only matters if it is timely, relevant, unbiased and credible. We promise to do whatever is necessary to provide you the information you need whenever you want it, to make our opinions fair and useful, and to make sure our facts are accurate.

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OVERVIEW MBTF offering 2 trading platforms for you to choose. Metatrader or MBT Navigator.

Metatrader is the most popular front-end application in the industry, and MBTF has attached their ECN execution to the platform. MBTF taken the user-friendly front-end trading interface and added the execution that the market has been looking for. MBTF turned off the deal-desk functionality of the platform and made the executions as true as their systems can handle.

* Direct ECN connections and execution * Tight ECN spreads and quotes * A true non-deal desk environment * NO proximity restrictions when placing entry or exit orders * Scalping available

While other brokers have offered Metatrader for years, MBTF wouldn’t offer the system until MBTF could eliminate the deal desk functionality of the back-office systems of Metatrader. With this solution, MBTF customers can experience Metatrader as it was supposed to be, without desk interventions, fixed-slippages, and stop and limit proximity limitations. MBTF open the door to any available execution using Metatrader, and MBTF give no priority to opening or closing positions.

MBTF Trading Platform (MBT Navigator) was developed by seasoned Forex traders to level the playing field for retail clients. With no fixed spreads, true bids and offers from qualified financial institutions, and no deal desk between you and your execution, the MBT Navigator gives you the tools needed to achieve your trading goals.

Click for a larger view

Customizable Layouts Customize and save your trading layouts.

Free Quotes Receive free realtime streaming Forex quotes

Advanced Orders Place server-sided trailing stops, TTOs, and much more!

Seamless Integration Use the Navigator with industry leading market analytical programs.

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No Fixed Spreads Spreads as low as 1/2 pip can save you thousands

Free Software MBTF trading software is always free. NO monthly software and quote fees

Some Of MBTF Features and Advantages:

Multiple inter-bank liquidity

ECN Forex Trading

Very Low Spreads

50:1 margin leverage

Over 20 currency pairs

24 hour market and Realtime Updates

Hotkeys Function for One Click Executions

Scalping Allowed (accept any kind of trading styles)

Order Not Restricted

Very Fast Executions

No Dealer Intervention

No Price Manipulation

No Requoting

Trailing Stops Facility

Start trading with only $400

Trade with a Regulated Company (CFTC, NFA)

Mini trading account now available!

And Many More.

Forex Session Times (all times EST)

Main session: Opens: Sun. at 5:00 p. m. Closes: Fri. at 4:58 p. m.

Trading suspended: Mon. - Thurs. 4:58 p. m. - 5:06 p. m. Sun. - Thurs. 11:58 p. m. - 12:03 a. m.

Click Image To Visit Site In most people’s eyes, finacial market is a mystery industry because of uncomprehending the running way of it. Under the circumstances, people just blindly drop their money in it and pin their hope on the luck. The result can be predicted that they failed again.

Be confronted with the adversity, people would be flurried and readily believe those called forex gurus. They would tell you whatever you want to learn.

When hearing the fresh information, people would feel surprised and be attracted by their brainwashing words. At the end of their words, they would sell you their trading system which they pretend to treat as a valuable book.

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It is believed that Forex Navigator could lead any trader to succeed on forex Markket, One of the group writes:"Your system was an eye opener for me! I’ve bought quite a few useless ebooks, robots and courses and only lost my money! Your accurate reporting… Read more…

Forex Mastery 2 Announced

If you're searching for a sound and very effective system to trade Forex. You need a “battle-tested” program with an undeniable track record of success.

Access to this type of system will provide you the greatest improvement in the currency trading market that you have ever seen.

One such system is the powerful M3 Forex Navigator software by Gary R. Albrecht.

The Forex Mastery 2 trading system is constructed around the legendary M3 Navigator software.

If you are not previously familiar with the M3 Navigator then you owe it to yourself to take a moment to understand why the M3 Navigator can actually put the odds in your favor in the Forex market.

Have the Forex professionals and educators at Forex Trader raised the bar on trading accuracy yet again?

At last…somebody has finally cut through all of the currency trading CRAP, with a new method that they're willing to share… (At least to me and my readers)

There's no question that adversity abounds.

Do not let your hopes, fears and dreams slip away.

We are living from the worst economic times since the Great Depression. Discover what you'll be able to do to survive.

This initial video explains:

Joe Atkin's aka Forex Joe, Chief strategist at Options University Forex Trader. Last Nov they released their game changing and breakthrough currency trading system called Forex Mastery. For amateur amateurs and seasoned executives alike, currency exchange Mastery turned into a game changer for traders as we embark on the second decade of the twenty-first century.

Of the many enhancements to the first Forex Mastery. Joe's proprietary Bias and Keylevel signals have been adapted to include the USDIX ( US dollar index ) charts and DOW index charts, in the Forex Mastery 2 .0 system.

It can not be exaggerated how significant the DJX is to the forex markets. You may begin to see why as soon as you start using these tools.

Market direction indicators have been added to the Bias and Keylevel charts as well to their exclusive currency market Scanner. Not only can the currency market Scanner monitor over ten currency pairs but the USDIX and DOW index too. So that you can see at a peek, what is setting up in the foreign exchange markets.

Read more information about Forex Mastery 2 trading method, see my Forex Mastery 2.0 Review

Gary Albrecht will discuss other new enhancements in the Forex Market Scanner and M3 Navigator software, including their brand spanking new Slingshot indicator, in the following Forex Mastery 2.0 video from Options University Forex Trader.

In the next few days Gary Albrecht is giving away an complete Forex Mastery 2 forex Trading system.

The team at Forex Mastery have just released a large collection of testimonials from their current Forex students which they refer to as their “Turtles”.

If you haven’t already seen the power and simplicity of the Forex Mastery course and the M3 Forex Navigator then please read my review here: Forex Mastery Review

Once you’ve seen the system the only thing that could be holding you back, from investing in the Forex Mastery is not believing in yourself and that it can work for you.

So Forex Joe at OU Forex Trader has just uploaded half a dozen NEW audios from his (soon to be infamous) ‘Turtles’.

These ‘Turtles’ as they’re calling them, are beta-testers of the system, and have been using and learning it for just a few short weeks…

These are traders just like you. From all walks of life. From rank beginners to more experienced Forex traders…

Their results have been unbelievable .

To listen and hear for yourself, go here:

After listening to these, if you’re still not convinced that Forex Mastery is the most powerful Forex Trading System available, then Forex just may not be for you.

But Forex Joe firmly believes that more millionaire’s will be created from the Forex markets, than in any other business opportunity in the next decade.

Will you be one of them?

Trillions of dollars are traded DAILY.

Would a SMALL slice of this make a difference in your life?

Forex Joe has been working on cracking the Forex code for over six years now, and have finally done it with the Forex Mastery course.

Now it’s time for you to join him.

In the NEW audios above from the Forex Mastery ‘Turtles’ be sure to listen to:

Phyllis – A 58 retired hospital pharmacist who first started trading Forex 5 years ago. But had never had success, until now with Forex Mastery.

“Wow, finally. My profits range from 25 to 30 pips per trade… the system has given me an entry and exit criteria that works. It’s a ‘worry-free’ process”

Jim – He and his wife Cathy have tried trading other types of trading, with minimal success. But are now having success together with the Forex Mastery course.

“The Forex Mastery course explains in clear and concise terms how to trade the Forex Markets, How to develop the proper mindset to trade, and much, much more. For us, this has been the best path to make positive pips on a consistent basis.”

John Spark – A trader from ‘down under’ that is having so much success with Forex Mastery, he’s recommended it to his son, his nephew, his auditor, his accountant, and his golfing buddies. That’s how much he likes his.

“Forex Mastery is by far the best course out there in the market. In fact I now have absolutely no other course. They are so committed to us… Sometimes I have to actually pinch myself I consider Forex Mastery to be my financial insurance policy. Grab the Forex Mastery course and enjoy.”

You can listen to these and more testimonials here: Forex Mastery Turtle Tester Feedback

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Money management Is key is saving your trading account. A smart forex trader takes 4 separate trades on four different pairs. With the proper research and taking long and short positions will be able to make a good return on investment. The use of stop losses in important if taking on four trades at one time. This is for establishing initial and continuing stop loss orders for any forex trade. As part of good money control. Traders should always have stop Losses in place. Your Forex trading system or program should be well though out in your trading system. Forex traders will be exposed to steep losses or taking poor Forex positions if they do not follow a strict set of guidelines. You should have exact points and an effective strategy for exiting a Forex trade. Traders should not find themselves holding a Forex pair position in the Forex markets for long period unless you are taking weekly positions. You need to know it is important that your strategy for exiting a Forex trade once that trade has become profitable. Risk Management is protecting gains on your FX trades. You need to know what your exit strategy is, this is an element of risk management. When a forex trad.

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Technical analysis is used by the vast majority of forex traders because it really does help you find lots of high probability set-ups. There are lots of different technical indicators you can use, but one of the most common ones used by a lot of traders is the MACD indicator (short for Moving Average Convergence / Divergence). This indicator will generally be available to you regardless of which particular charting software you use, and is generally very effective. It basically consists of two lines which comprise the 12 and 26 period EMA (shown as one line) and the 9 period EMA. A trading signal arises when the first of these lines, the MACD line, crosses the EMA(9). So if the MACD line crosses through the signal line from above, then this indicates a possible reversal to the downside, and vice versa if there is an upward crossover. Of course this explanation is very simplistic. and you certainly won't be able to generate consistent profits just by trading these crossovers in isolation, but it's a useful indicator to include in your overall trading set-up. Not only does it highlight possible reversals but it also indicates the current trend as well because a rising in.

1. Location great probability, small threat trades – This is executed with the help of proprietary support and resistance amounts, named Bias and Critical numbers which the process immediately calculates for just about every currency pair, primarily based on numerous indicators and four different plans.

2. Make buying and selling much easier by employing two new software plans which assist the trader establish approaching likely trading possibilities promptly and conveniently and be capable to area his or her trades not having getting to prepare for them in advance.

Currency trading Mastery is a entire trading process: it provides you with thorough setup suggestions, entry and exit principles, and strict income management and chance management tips to make sure you have a investing plan and not just put on trade at a time.

This is a good thing, but when I prepared this Foreign exchange Mastery critique, the primary thing I noticed were the software package resources: the M3 Forex Navigator and the Marketplace Scanner, two systems which merely make the buying and selling existence a lot easier.

The M3 Fx Navigator delivers a visual representation of anything that is taking place in the industry, in various time-frames and across many currency pairs. It makes it uncomplicated to discover trades in accordance to the Bias and Critical numbers.

Sector Scanner is a smaller but useful system which assists you see a summary of possible forthcoming trades so you can be all set for them.

Both of these systems make it speedier than ever before to trade. This is most likely the main advantage you can get from this technique as a total. But the course that comes with the technique is also good and straightforward to follow.

All round, this procedure will take some time to grasp but it can demonstrate to be a impressive new tool in your currency investing arsenal.

The Forex trading Mastery system has produced a excellent deal of buzz recently with a sequence of video clips which present how this method operates. But, even though these videos are revealing, the query nonetheless stays: does Forex Mastery function? I am a single of the several fortunate ones to have a preview copy of the course and can now answer this question for you in this evaluation:

To begin with of all, let us explore what the Forex trading Mastery procedure is. This is a process which works with its own support and resistance amounts which are the outcome of years of investigation and tweaking. These levels are known as Bias and Key numbers and they are instantly calculated and updated with behind-the-scenes software applications.

Employing these Bias and Keys numbers helps traders location bigger probability trades irrespective of the trading design they make use of. It is an excellent way to lower risk and grow revenue.

Although the course section of the ForexMastery system doesn’t clarify how these Bias and Critical numbers are calculated, they are really effortless to get the job done with. Even novice traders must obtain the procedure simple to fully grasp and follow.

The 5 teaching video modules are very simple to comprehend and stick to. While knowledgeable trades will discover the first module very common, it can assistance convey a lot less seasoned traders up to pace quite rapidly.

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Forex Navigator System

This complimentary system is in PDF format. PDF stands for Portable Document Format, a document format that can be read on nearly any computer in the world using the FREE acrobat reader. If you do not already have a copy of Acrobat Reader on your computer you can download a free copy HERE

Once you have Acrobat Reader simply “Right mouse click” the “DOWLOAD ” link marked in blue below. You’ll see a menu like the one just below open up.

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Once you have the book on your computer, simply double click the file and the book will open in Acrobat Reader. You can then select File>>Print and the book will print, allowing you to make a printed copy for your trading library or to read later.




En todo momento, toda y cualquier información o producto adquirido de este sitio web es sólo para propósitos educativos y en ninguna circunstancia se pretende brindar asesoramiento financiero. No se representa ninguna garantía de ninguna declaración sobre beneficios o ingresos, ya sea expresa o implícita. Como ningún sistema de comercio está garantizado, su comercio actual puede dar lugar a pérdidas. En todo momento aceptará las responsabilidades completas de todas sus acciones, incluyendo, pero no limitado a operaciones, ganancias o pérdidas. Usted acepta mantener a tradeology. com, los propietarios legales del sitio, OTP / AT y cualquier distribuidor autorizado de esta información en todo momento inofensivo de cualquier manera. Al utilizar nuestros productos, esto constituye su aceptación de nuestro acuerdo de usuario.

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Forex, el comercio de futuros y opciones tiene grandes recompensas potenciales, pero también un gran riesgo potencial. Debe ser consciente de los riesgos y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos para invertir en los mercados de futuros y opciones. No negocie con dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Nuestro sitio web y los contenidos y materiales del producto no son ni una solicitud ni una oferta de compra / venta de futuros u opciones. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on our website or in any materials. El desempeño pasado de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros. Existe un riesgo sustancial. Forex tiene grandes recompensas potenciales, pero también un gran riesgo potencial. Usted debe ser consciente de los riesgos y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos con el fin de invertir en los mercados de Forex.

No negocie con dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Nada en nuestro curso o cualquier material o sitio web (s) se considerará una solicitud o una oferta para comprar / vender futuros y / o opciones. No se está haciendo ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en nuestro sitio. Además, el rendimiento pasado de cualquier metodología de negociación no es necesariamente indicativo de los resultados de futuros. Trading involves high risks and you can lose a lot of money.


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The Cadillac Escalade has a powerful yet quiet V8, as well as controlled handling and a comfortable ride. The Escalade has a lavish cabin filled withtop-notch materials, and like the Navigator, it is available in regular - and long-wheelbase configurations.

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The 2017 Navigator comes standard with a THX surround-sound audio system, navigation, two USB ports, satellite radio, HD Radio, Bluetooth, remotestart, dual-zone automatic climate control, blind spot monitoring, rear cross traffic alert, front and rear parking sensors, a rearview camera and theSYNC 3 infotainment system with an 8-inch touch screen. Optional features include a power moonroof and a rear-seat entertainment system. Trade navigator options.

Powering the 2017 Lincoln Navigator is a twin-turbocharged V6 engine that feels powerful. A six-speed automatic transmission is standard, and it makesquick shifts. According to the EPA, the Navigator gets up to 16/22 mpg city/highway, which is on par for the class.

Trade navigator options - Read more

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The 2017 Lincoln Navigator's potent V6 engine, spacious cargo area and adult-friendly third-row seats earn reviewer praise, but it has some low-rentinterior materials.

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The Navigator can tow up to 9,000 pounds, which is more than most rivals. The Navigator has a smooth, steady ride and generally composed handling, though the soft suspension can be a bit too isolating at times, making it difficult to tell what the road conditions are like.

The Mercedes-Benz GL has a smooth ride over broken pavement and lots of high-end materials in its cabin. The GL350 BlueTEC comes with a diesel enginethat earns much better fuel economy estimates than the Navigator.

While the 2017 Navigator's cabin has many high-end materials and is mostly well built, there are still some gaps between panels as well as hardplastics. The first - and second-row seats offer plenty of room and comfort, and the third row is spacious enough for adults, which is rare praise forthe class. The upgraded infotainment system will take some time to learn, but it's easier to use than the previous system. The Navigator has one ofthe largest cargo areas in the class.

Video trade navigator options

The 2017 Lincoln Navigator can seat up to eight and comes in standard-wheelbase and long-wheelbase (Navigator L) body styles. Instead of trim levels, the Navigator is available with Select (base) and Reserve equipment groups. The Navigator comes standard with a twin-turbocharged 3.5-liter V6 engine, a six-speed automatic transmission and rear-wheel drive. Four-wheel drive is optional. The Navigator was significantly updated for the 2017 model yearbut is otherwise largely unchanged since its debut for the 2007 model year. As a result, this overview uses applicable research and reviews from the2007 through 2017 model years. Trade navigator options profit.

The 2017 Lincoln Navigator ranks 8 out of 9 Luxury Large SUVs.

The 2017 Lincoln Navigator's potent V6 engine, spacious cargo area and adult-friendly third-row seats earn reviewer praise, but it has some low-rentinterior materials.(trade navigator options profit.|)

Forex Mastery 2.0, The New M3 Forex Navigator Software And Project X-Game Changer For Forex Traders

Forex Mastery Program and the new M3 Forex Navigator Software will be the game changer for forex traders. What you need as a FX trader is something proven and tested. This trading system is a proven and tested system that you should take a look at.

May 4, 2010 - PRLog -- If you are looking for a forex trading software that can give you an edge as a foresx trader than you should read this article. Project X details revealed for the first time! Project X took six years to complete. Project X revolved around the development of M3 Forex Navigator Software!

First a little background. Have you ever met Forex Joe? Forex Joe is considered to be among the best forex trading experts in the world at the moment. Sometimes back, Forex Mastermind Summit was held in which Forex Joe was invited to explain his unique trading system.

http://www. ninjatraderblog. com/ trading/2009/ 11/forex-mastery - and-the-new - m3-forex-predictor - software/

You will be amazed to know that Forex Joe was a sports bettor for 30 years. He developed his own proprietary mathematical formulas that he would use in sports betting. A decade back, he discovered forex trading. He used the same mathematical formulas that he had developed for sports betting in cracking the FX Code and raking in a fortune.

His mathematical formulas use certain Bias and Key Levels that can accurately predict the forex market. Now, his formulas have been incorporated into a cutting edge M3 Forex Navigator Software that can accurately predict the turning points in the currency market with laser like precision. If you are a trader than you know that this information is vital in trading. Knowing the turning points in the market ahead of time can give you the edge to make one winning trade after another.

FX Joe is the Chief Forex Strategist of OU Forex Trader Service. Recently OU FX Trader Service has launched it's Forex Mastery Program with its M3 Forex Navigator Software and the Market Scanner proprietary software that can scan the currency pairs and tell you which is the best currency pair to trade at the moment.

Forex Mastery Program and the new M3 Forex Navigator Software will be the game changer for forex traders. What you need as a FX trader is something proven and tested. This trading system is a proven and tested system that you should take a look at. Watch the presentation by Bret Fogle, President of Options University who explains how powerful this forex trading software is!

http://www. ninjatraderblog. com/ trading/2009/ 11/forex-mastery - and-the-new - m3-forex-predictor - software/

Mr. Ahmad Hassam has done Masters from Harvard University. He is interested in day trading stocks and currencies!


The "Navigator" window is intended for working with files and folders inside the /MQL4 or /MQL5 directory of the client terminal, where the information that concerns the programming in MetaQuotes Language is stored. One can open or close this window using the " Navigator" command in the "View" menu, in the "Standard" toolbar or using the "Ctrl+D" key combination.

Outwardly it resembles the explorer where files and folders are shown as a tree-type list:

A double click on a folder opens it, and a double click on a file opens it for editing.

Context Menu

The context menu allows to execute the following commands.

&toro; Open — open the selected file for editing. The same action can be performed by double-clicking with the left mouse button on a file or by pressing the "Enter" key;

&toro; Open Folder — open the selected folder or a folder that contains the selected file;

&toro; New File — start creating a new MQL4/MQL5 program using the "MQL4/MQL5 Wizard";

&toro; New Folder — create a new folder in the current directory. The same action can be performed by pressing the "Insert" key;

&toro; Rename — rename the selected file or folder. The same action can be performed by pressing the "F2" key;

&toro; Delete — delete the selected file or folder. The same action can be performed by pressing the "Delete" key;

&toro; Refresh — refresh the "Navigator" window. If any folders or files are copied to one of the MQL4 of MQL5 subfolders, the changes will be automatically displayed at the "Navigator" window. Still, one can manually re-read the file structure by executing this command or by pressing the "F5" key;

&toro; Compile — compile the selected file. Execution of this command for a folder results in compilation of all files located in it.

&toro; Show All Files — show or hide all files. If this option is disabled, only source code files (*.MQ4, *.MQ5, *.MQH, *.CPP and *.H) and text files (*.TXT and *.CSV) will be shown at the "Navigator" window, executable files will be hidden;

&toro; MQL5 Storage — open the submenu containing commands for working with the storage of source code MQL5 Storage ;

&toro; Activate MQL5 Storage — this command allows you to start using your personal storage of source codes MQL5 Storage.

&toro; Properties — open the standard dialog of properties of the selected file or folder.

The subfolders of projects created in experts, indicators and scripts directories are also supported. The same structure will be displayed at the "Navigator" window of the client terminal. Files can be moved between folders using "Drag'n'Drop" technology.

External changes made to folders and files (deleting, moving, etc.) are also displayed at the "Navigator" window.

Saxo Trade Navigator: Friday, February 26

Head of Commodity Strategy / Saxo Bank

The Saxo Trade Navigator provides you with daily technical insight into a wide array of major instruments ranging from FX to equities, commodities and bonds. With a host of various technical indicators such as pivot points, Relative Strength Index data and moving averages, the Saxo Trade Navigator can be used to spot daily trade ideas.

The Saxo Trade Navigator is available on weekdays on TradingFloor. com

Saxo Trade Navigator


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Trade Navigator, has been a leading innovator in charting and trading technologies since 1983, providing ultra-clean, fast data and exceptionally well-designed, single-function and comprehensive software solutions for traders at every level of expertise. Additionally, TradeNavigator has earned praise industry-wide for our unsurpassed level of on-site support and training.

Trade from the Chart & the Ladder/DOM

Single-Click Order Execution

Order Functionality w/ Order Bar

Streaming Replay Back Testing Strategies

Configurable Trading Ladders

Options Trading and Analysis Platform

Unique, Precision Drawing Tools

Chart Equity Curves

Custom Alerts

Dynamic Alerts

Extensive Tick History Fast Market Data

Innovative Charting Technologies

Detachable and Multi-Monitor Charts

User-centric approach puts the most powerful trading tools at your disposal with the click of a mouse allowing you to spend more time making successful trades and less time wrestling with software.

With extensive, continued input from leading educators TradeNavigator is able to provide timely solutions that respond to changes in trading methods and climate with seamless integration.

Trading via a Chart or a Ladder

Trade Navigator‘s ™ Trading via a Chart or a Price Ladder function allows the Trader to place a buy or sell order from either the chart or a price ladder. This function is a part of the Trade Consol function.

Trade Console

Trade Navigator™ provides the Trader with the ability to make trades from the charting platform using the trade consol capability. These trades can be executed through Proactive Futures or on the simulated system.

Historical Tick Data

Trade Navigator™ allows the Trader the ability to easily chart historical tick data.

Instant Replay Trade Navigator™ allows the Trader the ability to easily select the desired symbol, specify a trading period and “Instantly Replay” replay the trading session.

Chart Alerts Trade Navigator™ provides an Alert function allowing the Trader to be notified when the desired event occurs. Alert messages can be displayed.

Custom Highlight Bars

Trade Navigator™ provides a Highlight Bar function, allowing the Trader to be notified when the desired event occurs by changing the bar to a specific color. The Trade Navigator™ TradeSence ™ language can create truly unique Highlight Bars.

Customizable Chart Indicators

Trade Navigator™ provides the Trader hundreds of Customizable Chart Indicators. Indicators like: Price, Moving Average, Open Interest, Volume, Stochastic and hundreds of other indicator. Trade Navigator’s™ TradeSence ™ language permits the creation of unique indicators.

Custom Scans or Criteria

Trade Navigator™ provides the Trader with opportunity to create Scans and Criteria based on the Trader’s research and select out for future use the symbols that meet the requirements of the scan or criteria.

Custom Filters

Trade Navigator™ provides the Trader with the opportunity to create unique filters based on the Traders research and select out those symbols that meet the criteria indicated.

Custom Templates

Trade Navigator™ provides the Trader the opportunity to create templates based on their own research and import templates from third party traders or educators.

Drawing Tools

Trade Navigator™ provides the Trader with a vast array of drawing tools to annotate a chart with.

FXDD to offer clients access to TraderMade’s FX Navigator charting and analytics

LeapRate has learned that retail forex and CFD brokerage FXDD is now offering active account holders free access to FX Navigator powered by TraderMade, an institutional-grade analytical tool for foreign exchange traders, in effort to further enhance overall trading and user experience.

FX Navigator powered by TraderMade is a subscription-based charting tool and technical analysis workstation used by large asset managers and central banks. With this offer, FXDD’s self-directed and institutional clients will get all of the technology’s functionality free of charge, including:

Robust charting and technical analysis capabilities,

Real-time streaming forex news alongside FX market analysis in multiple languages,

24 hour data on more than 42 currency pairs,

Accessibility on desktop, iPhone, and other mobile devices, and

Award-winning customer service and technical support through FXDD Global’s help desk and support services.

Emil Assentato, Chairman and CEO of FXDD parent company Currency Mountain Holdings told LeapRate:

We are always looking for opportunities to make strategic investments that enable us to provide FXDD Global’s clients with world-class trading and investment technologies. This offering is part of our enduring commitment to put our clients first in everything we do.

The data provided through FX Navigator is made available through TraderMade, an independent provider of FX data and analytics. Traders and clients have relied on TraderMade for unbiased verification of FX data and pricing for more than 40 years.

Forex navigator reviews

By: THISER Date: 04.05.2017


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*Details and Restrictions $0 Minimum Account Size Accounts with $0 minimum balance are eligible for paper trading online. For actual live trading, you must fund your account with the minimum deposit for your particular account type. For more information regarding minimum deposits, please contact our office directly.

$0 Commissions There is a commission charged on accounts through FXCM, full service accounts, trading systems, and contractual agreements. Global Futures is compensated by bid/ask spreads.

Flexible Leverage Does not apply to all account types. Global Futures asks that you consider the risks associated with increasing your leverage. Un movimiento de mercado relativamente pequeño tendrá un impacto proporcionalmente mayor en los fondos que ha depositado o tendrá que depositar: esto puede funcionar en su contra y para usted. You may sustain a total loss of initial margin and you may be required to deposit additional funds to cover a short margin position. Flexible leverage is available for self-traded accounts only and does not apply to managed accounts.

$250 Minimum Account Size Does not apply to all account types. To view our minimum account sizes, please visit our Forex Margins page.

$400 Day Trading Margins Posted margins valid up to 50 contracts (retail accounts only). The day trading margins on these contracts is $1,000 for 50 to 100 contracts. Trading more than 100 contracts requires additional margin. Margins may differ according to your clearing firm; contact us for details.

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The main MetaTrader features via Navigator

The MetaTrader Navigator gives you quick access to key MetaTrader features; it arranges them in groups in a tree structure. There are five groups:

Accounts – your MetaTrader accounts

Indicators – built-in MetaTrader technical indicators

Expert Advisors – programs that automate market analysis and trading

Custom Indicators – technical indicators that you have created

Scripts – one-off scripts that you have created

You can access the 'Navigator' window any of the in the following ways:

Press Ctrl+N

Select 'Navigator' from the 'View' menu

Press the button in the 'Standard' toolbar

There is also a 'Favorites' menu where you can store the commands you use the most.


The 'Accounts' group includes all your active MetaTrader accounts. You can log in to an account using the following methods:

Double-click on the account with the left mouse button

Right-click on the account and select 'Login' from the context menu

You can also create demo accounts here. There are two ways of doing this:

Press Insert

Right-click and select 'Open an account' from the context menu

You can't create real accounts, although you can access them. Only Forex4you can create real accounts.


The 'Indicators' group contains built-in MetaTrader technical indicators. which are used to analyse market data on charts. You can add indicators to charts in the following ways:

Double-click on an indicator with the left mouse button to add it to the active chart

Right-click on an indicator and select 'Add to Chart' to add it to the active chart

Drag-and-drop an indicator to any chart – not just the active one

Asesores Expertos

Expert advisors are compiled programs that automate analysis and trading, and are created using the built-in MetaEditor. Do the following to work with expert advisors:

Right-click and select 'Create' to create a new expert advisor

Right-click and select 'Modify' to modify an existing expert advisor

Right-click and select 'Delete' to delete an existing expert advisor

To apply an expert advisor to a chart, do the following:

Double-click on an advisor with the left mouse button to add it to the active chart

Right-click on an advisor and select 'Add to Chart' to add it to the active chart

Drag-and-drop an advisor to any chart – not just the active one

Uncompiled expert advisors can't be applied to charts; these are greyed out in the 'Navigator' window. More information about expert advisors can be found in the 'Auto Trading' section of the MetaTrader 4 User Guide.

Custom Indicators

Custom indicators are technical indicators that you have created yourself. The context menu for custom indicators is similar to that for expert advisors. More information about custom indicators can be found in the 'Custom Indicators' section of the MetaTrader 4 User Guide.


Scripts are one-off, uncompiled programs that you have created yourself. The context menu for scripts is similar to that for expert advisors. More information about scripts can be found in the 'Scripts' section of the MetaTrader 4 User Guide.

Hot Keys

You can assign hot keys to any item in the 'Navigator' window, except for accounts. To do this, select 'Set Hotkey' from the context menu.

Note that hot key settings override hot key defaults. For example, if you assign Ctrl+O to the 'On Balance Volume' indicator, the key will no longer open the terminal settings window.


The 'Favorites' tab contains the commands that you use most often. You can add any command from its corresponding context menu, including commands that are in context menus themselves. To delete an item, right click on it in the 'Favorites' tab and select 'Delete from Favorites'.

Forex Mastery 2.0, M3 Forex Navigator Software, The Slingshot Indicator Plus The US Dollar Index Indicator Webinar!

May 13, 2010 • By Ahmad Hassam • 331 Views

See For Yourself. Forex Mastery 2.0 [webinar demo] Now you can see Forex Mastery 2.0 LIVE and in action, presented by the creators--'Forex' Joe Atkins and Gary R. Albrecht--as they show you how this program works live and in action during one of two exciting webinars on Thursday, May 13th. Late last year, OU Forex Trader launched their a powerful Forex trading program called Forex Mastery. Since then, hundreds of Forex Traders have used this system to push their trading accounts to the next level.

Their results have been exciting. But things just got even better! Introducing, Forex Mastery 2.0. Gary R. Albrecht, the mastermind behind the powerful M3 Navigator Forex Software . has created 2 powerful new enhancements and a NEW indicator he likes to affectionally call. The SLINGSHOT Indicator. He calls it this because when it sets up the right way, you'll see a 'Slinghot' of a trend reversal, nearly 100% of the time! And like the rest of the Forex Mastery components, these enhancements are also proprietary, available nowhere else but in their system. Features like the M3 Navigator Software, the Market Scanner, Slingshots, and the U. S. Dollar index indicator that make it even easier to find mega-pip gains almost at will.

Plus - There's a new DOW component for you stock traders. (That accurately predicted the 1000 point 'dip' in the markets last week. So there's something for everyone now.) There's also daily / weekly live webinar training that Gary provides, to SHOW YOU how to use the system in LIVE market conditions. He holds a morning New York Session, and also an EARLY AM London Session once per week. And the results speak for themselves.

- M3 Navigator mastermind Gary Albrecht turned $25k in his IRA into over $300,000 in 18 months.

. and then into $520,000 4 months later!

And from actual Forex Mastery Students:

- Ken made $50,930 in his Live Account in one month.

- Gareth has made a net gain of over $6,000.

- Stanley had 38 consecutive positive trades in a row.

- John from Australia has earned thousands of pips. and over $78,000 on a $100,000 Demo account.

- His son Jason has created $60,568 in gains in his Demo trading account.

- New trader Mirka had a 1,300 pip Gravy Train run.

- Beginning trader Clarence has banked nearly $1,300 in his LIVE account.

- KC used Slingshots to ease into his position, and is in a 500 pip Gravy Train trade in his LIVE account.

- And finally Dirk from Belgium is using our Market Scanner to bank 12,000 Euro's PER ACCOUNT, and states his average MONTHLY income is over $60,000 Euros!*

Want to see how these ecstatic traders are exploiting the almost unfair advantage Forex Mastery 2.0 allows? Well now you can. They're holding two webinars on Thursday, May 13th - one at 12 PM EST, and another at 9:00 PM EST.

For many years I not only avoided trading the FOREX markets, but I also avoided giving recommendations in these markets other than in currency futures. ¿Por qué? There are several reasons. First, I felt the markets were overly controlled by large traders and banks and that the small trader, therefore, had no chance of being successful.

Second, I felt that the electronic order entry systems were not sufficiently advanced to accommodate relatively short-term trades. I also felt that the commission structure was still not conducive to facilitate success.

But the largest reason was that I did not have a trading methodology that had the potential to produce consistent short-term profits for Forex traders.

In Response to these Positive Changes I Developed my first Forex Short-Term Trading System

Since it was released my Forex Short-Term Trading System has performed as shown below. It’s a great start and I believe this system will continue to grow great results. Esa es la buena noticia. But the bad news is that the limited number of copies I offered are all sold out

The Forex Short-Term Trading System is ALL SOLD OUT

In, August 2017, when I announced the system I stated:

“This is only the beginning of central-bank currency manipulation which will ultimately affect not only the Forex markets but stocks and commodities as well. In currency futures we can only trade the US dollar versus other currencies. In Forex we can trade any of the active combinations."

And that’s why my Short-Term 4x trading system did so well. The average length of trade is about 5 days.

So many of you have asked for another Forex system that holds trades for a longer time period, so I went to work and spent many days developing my NEW FOREX SHORT-TERM TRADE FINDER.

Here is the historical record.


Average length of trade is about 12 days compared to my first 4x system

Longer trade length, larger average profit per trade

Fewer orders to enter

Bigger moves to capture

Less volatility and smoother performance

Fewer decisions to make

More stability over time

Forex Short-Term Trade Finder Your 2nd Chance to own a Great System!

My Forex Short-Term Trade Finder trading system which will be released in two weeks, trades a basket of cross currencies on a short-term basis.

The system runs under Genesis Trade Navigator gold or silver versions and provides exact entry, exit, and follow-up instructions at the end of each trading day. The historical performance histories are presented below. I have deducted 4 pips for slippage from every trade.

This is not a day trading system. You only need to get the orders report at the end of the trading day and it tells you what orders to place for the next day.

Here is a synopsis of the Historical Record for each Pair

I am offering you my new Forex Short-Term Trade Finder for only $695 which is a one-time fee that gives you all Forex pairs cited above, as well as all signals at the end of each trading day. The program is yours to keep. You will need end of day data and the Genesis Navigator gold or platinum charting software in order to generate the signals and you will need to place the orders on your own. If you need a Forex broker I will be glad to refer you to one. Because Forex trading allows you to trade in amounts based on your comfort level you can adjust your risk level accordingly.

My system comes with a video/audio manual which explains how to get your signals, orders and follow-up every day. It’s easy to understand the entry signals, and the exit strategies. It’s not rocket science.

System Concept and Development

As you may know, the vast majority of my work for the last four decades has been in price patterns and time patterns in the stock and futures markets. The concept underlying my new system is based on four patterns which I believe have validity in the markets. They are:

The relationship between the average daily price and the closing price on any given day

The day of the week

Breakout either above BUY trigger point or below SELL trigger point

The Forex pair, and

The relationship between entry price profitable closing price

We all know and are concerned about the dangers of over optimizing a trading system. Specifically, such systems rarely go forward in real time with accuracy. My new system was developed on nine years of historical data with up to four years of out of sample data and minimal optimization. Simply stated, there are only three variables in the system which decreases the likelihood of curve fitted results and increases the potential for future accuracy. See the historical summary below. NOTE THAT AMOUNTS SHOWN AS $ ARE PIPS.

You can trade this system either on the individual strategies for each Forex pair or as a strategy basket. The strategy basket requires you to trade every signal in all of the Forex pairs analyzed by the system. Here is the historical basket showing all Forex pairs in the system and their various statistics. Remember that since this is a Forex system the profit or loss indicated is in points or pips. Therefore, the average profit of 40 pips per trade for this new system (almost twice the average profit for the first Forex system) is just the multiplier. The bottom line profit or loss will be a function of the size of your trade .

The most important aspects of the system are the consistency of the equity curve, the accuracy and percent and the number of consecutive winning trades versus the number of consecutive losing trades. Here is a summary of the strategy that covers all the pairs as one basket. NOTE THAT these values are pips and not dollars as such. The actual profit or loss depends on the size of your position.

Limited Quantity / Will Sell Out Quickly

All of my trading systems are sold in a limited quantity in order to avoid an untoward impact on prices for entry, stops, and targets. This system is no different. Because I kept the price extremely low the limited number of copies will most likely sellout quickly. Therefore, if you’d like to own what I consider to be one of the best short-term (not day trade) Forex systems available I encourage you to act quickly. I WILL GIVE PRIORITY TO CLIENTS AND BUYERS OF MY FIRST FOREX SYSTEM.

Discount to my First 4x Short-Term System Buyers!

Here’s a list of what the system includes:

100% objective signals at the end of each day

all trades generated automatically

all trades 100% objective

trading system is entirely rule-based no interpretation

video/audio instruction and installation guide

technical support from me, Jake Bernstein, by email and/or telephone

system upgrade if and when issued

strictly limited quantity keyed to your Genesis customer ID

I believe that my new Forex Short-Term Trade Finder system will continue to perform well in the years ahead and in particular in the coming volatile currency environment. The short-term nature of this system makes it particularly appealing to those who seek to take advantage of the large gyrations in cross currency rates which, in my view, likely to get even larger in the months and years ahead. The system is easy to use, completely objective, back tested and developed with great care and expertise. To reserve your copy click the link below. The discounted price is available only to current and former clients of my services of which you are one since you are receiving this announcement. Non clients will pay considerably more if the limited quantity is still available by the time I announce this to the general public.

If you have questions please write me: jake@trade-futures. com Best of trading to you.

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By looking at key support and resistance levels in trade navigator forex market only from previous price history, or through the use of pivot points or large-scale Fibonacci retracements I already know where in the market I may potentially take trades. Para arriba para conseguir una verdad. The testimonials displayed are given verbatim except for correction of grammatical or typing errors.

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Forex Trend Navigator is a Forex indicator that according to the creators Mike Ndegwa and Reza Meherabani can predict Forex market trends and use this information to profit.

¿Qué ofrece el producto?

Forex Trend Navigator is a downloadable piece of software that provides users with clear indicators that they can then choose to trade against. These are highlighted by an alert system which provides you with an option to take the trade or not . Mike Ndegwa and Reza Meherabani claim that Forex Trend Navigator is allegedly designed to work with all currency pairs and as well as certain commodities in the form of gold and silver.

¿Cómo funciona el producto?

Forex Trend Navigator uses a unique algorithm that looks at moving averages and parabolic stop and reverse points to identify he turning point of a trend. This allegedly allows Forex Trend Navigator to have “laser accuracy” as well as allowing the software to determine strong trends and timely entry and exit points. Unfortunately Mike Ndegwa and Reza Meherabani provide very little evidence to back this up and frankly I take this claim with a pinch of salt.

¿Cuál es la inversión inicial?

Forex Trend Navigator sells for $97 which is allegedly a reduction on the “actual value” of $397. This price I also allegedly only available to the first 300 people to sign up for Forex Trend Navigator. Forex Trend Navigator also comes with a 30 day money back guarantee.

¿Cuál es la tasa de retorno?

According to Mike Ndegwa and Reza Meherabani you can expect to make $350,000 – $450,000 per annum. Unfortunately they provide no real evidence to back this up.

Forex Trend Navigator makes a lot of bold claims and I don’t believe that Forex Trend Navigator really does enough to back these up, particularly in regards to the claims of income. What I find really questionable is that Mike Ndegwa and Reza Meherabani claim to have built over 167 trading systems for banks, hedge funds and private traders alike. I find it questionable that anybody who has enjoyed the kind of success they claim would be peddling a mass system for $97.

Personally I don’t see enough here to warrant the cost involved and as such would recommend avoidance.


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Secret Settings For Forex Ivybot - Forex And Trade Navigator

The Ivy League has brought a fascinating automated forex robot into the sector of trading. It was lately launched after so much hype among the bunch and the traders. FAP was another robot which was also introduced in the market at the same time to improve the standards of trading. IvyBot was selected by the people over FAP for its efficiency in working with live trading accounts. The release of this program got delayed for a period of ten days which gave small benefit for the sale of FAP in the market. IvyBot was created by pro who have used this program in their private life and have realized good results. Read on to see more about forex megadroid and why forex megadroid is one of the best automatic robot. Read on to see more about forex megadroid and why forex megadroid is one of the best automatic robot.

IvyBot was completely tested and researched before it hit the market. This is the actual reason why the launching of this programme was postponed. The graduates behind this product wanted to make certain the efficiency of this product before giving it away to the public. This system isn't present in FAP Turbo which ranks it second in the forex market. When using Ivybot you can trade EUR / USD, $ / CHF, EUR / JPY and dollars / JPY. The decision to run Ivybot on four currency pairs was primarily based on 2 reason ; firstly, you can encounter margin need issues if you run the robot on more than four. However if you were to trade on less than four you would miss profitable trades, resulting in less overall profit. Read on to see more about forex megadroid and why forex megadroid is one of the best automatic robot.

This feature isn't available in any other software and folks are looking forward to purchase this product. It's not practical to keep on changing your robot now and then according to the fluctuations in the market. From experience I'm of the opinion that bad support actually can let a product down, so it's good to see that they decided to use 5 full time folks who will focus all of their time on supporting clients. We are still waiting for the live evidence that this software can measure up to the hype. Read on to see more about forex megadroid and why forex megadroid is one of the best automatic robot. The backtest results look good, but the genuine proof is when it is tested in live conditions.

The technique utilised by this robot keeps on changing according to the variations in the foreign exchange market. Read on to see more about forex megadroid and why forex megadroid is one of the best automatic robot. It is thus helpful to get this product as you can use it for a whole life. There are many sites present online where you will find additional info per this product. Read on to see more about forex megadroid and why forex megadroid is one of the best automatic robot. vyBot has been eventually released in the market to help folks who are struggling to make a lucrative return from their business. Read on to see more about forex megadroid and why forex megadroid is one of the best automatic robot. There are many sites present online that may help you in knowing more about this program.

About the Author:

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The main MetaTrader features via Navigator

The MetaTrader Navigator gives you quick access to key MetaTrader features; it arranges them in groups in a tree structure. There are five groups:

Accounts – your MetaTrader accounts

Indicators – built-in MetaTrader technical indicators

Expert Advisors – programs that automate market analysis and trading

Custom Indicators – technical indicators that you have created

Scripts – one-off scripts that you have created

You can access the 'Navigator' window any of the in the following ways:

Press Ctrl+N

Select 'Navigator' from the 'View' menu

Press the button in the 'Standard' toolbar

There is also a 'Favorites' menu where you can store the commands you use the most.


The 'Accounts' group includes all your active MetaTrader accounts. You can log in to an account using the following methods:

Double-click on the account with the left mouse button

Right-click on the account and select 'Login' from the context menu

You can also create demo accounts here. There are two ways of doing this:

Press Insert

Right-click and select 'Open an account' from the context menu

You can't create real accounts, although you can access them. Only Forex4you can create real accounts.


The 'Indicators' group contains built-in MetaTrader technical indicators. which are used to analyse market data on charts. You can add indicators to charts in the following ways:

Double-click on an indicator with the left mouse button to add it to the active chart

Right-click on an indicator and select 'Add to Chart' to add it to the active chart

Drag-and-drop an indicator to any chart – not just the active one

Asesores Expertos

Expert advisors are compiled programs that automate analysis and trading, and are created using the built-in MetaEditor. Do the following to work with expert advisors:

Right-click and select 'Create' to create a new expert advisor

Right-click and select 'Modify' to modify an existing expert advisor

Right-click and select 'Delete' to delete an existing expert advisor

To apply an expert advisor to a chart, do the following:

Double-click on an advisor with the left mouse button to add it to the active chart

Right-click on an advisor and select 'Add to Chart' to add it to the active chart

Drag-and-drop an advisor to any chart – not just the active one

Uncompiled expert advisors can't be applied to charts; these are greyed out in the 'Navigator' window. More information about expert advisors can be found in the 'Auto Trading' section of the MetaTrader 4 User Guide.

Custom Indicators

Custom indicators are technical indicators that you have created yourself. The context menu for custom indicators is similar to that for expert advisors. More information about custom indicators can be found in the 'Custom Indicators' section of the MetaTrader 4 User Guide.


Scripts are one-off, uncompiled programs that you have created yourself. The context menu for scripts is similar to that for expert advisors. More information about scripts can be found in the 'Scripts' section of the MetaTrader 4 User Guide.

Hot Keys

You can assign hot keys to any item in the 'Navigator' window, except for accounts. To do this, select 'Set Hotkey' from the context menu.

Note that hot key settings override hot key defaults. For example, if you assign Ctrl+O to the 'On Balance Volume' indicator, the key will no longer open the terminal settings window.


The 'Favorites' tab contains the commands that you use most often. You can add any command from its corresponding context menu, including commands that are in context menus themselves. To delete an item, right click on it in the 'Favorites' tab and select 'Delete from Favorites'.

trade navigator options

The 2017 Lincoln Navigator's potent V6 engine, spacious cargo area and adult-friendly third-row seats earn reviewer praise, but it has some low-rentinterior materials.

Trade Navigator® - An Overview trade navigator options.

The Cadillac Escalade has a powerful yet quiet V8, as well as controlled handling and a comfortable ride. The Escalade has a lavish cabin filled withtop-notch materials, and like the Navigator, it is available in regular - and long-wheelbase configurations. Trade navigator options.

While the 2017 Navigator's cabin has many high-end materials and is mostly well built, there are still some gaps between panels as well as hardplastics. The first - and second-row seats offer plenty of room and comfort, and the third row is spacious enough for adults, which is rare praise forthe class. The upgraded infotainment system will take some time to learn, but it's easier to use than the previous system. The Navigator has one ofthe largest cargo areas in the class.

Trade navigator options - Read more

Description trade navigator options

Powering the 2017 Lincoln Navigator is a twin-turbocharged V6 engine that feels powerful. A six-speed automatic transmission is standard, and it makesquick shifts. According to the EPA, the Navigator gets up to 16/22 mpg city/highway, which is on par for the class.

MB Trading, IB member FINRA, SIPC; MB Trading Futures, Inc. Miembro del IB NFA. Trading in futures, options and forex is speculative in nature and not appropriate for all .

The 2017 Navigator comes standard with a THX surround-sound audio system, navigation, two USB ports, satellite radio, HD Radio, Bluetooth, remotestart, dual-zone automatic climate control, blind spot monitoring, rear cross traffic alert, front and rear parking sensors, a rearview camera and theSYNC 3 infotainment system with an 8-inch touch screen. Optional features include a power moonroof and a rear-seat entertainment system.

The 2017 Lincoln Navigator ranks 8 out of 9 Luxury Large SUVs.

The 2017 Lincoln Navigator can seat up to eight and comes in standard-wheelbase and long-wheelbase (Navigator L) body styles. Instead of trim levels, the Navigator is available with Select (base) and Reserve equipment groups. The Navigator comes standard with a twin-turbocharged 3.5-liter V6 engine, a six-speed automatic transmission and rear-wheel drive. Four-wheel drive is optional. The Navigator was significantly updated for the 2017 model yearbut is otherwise largely unchanged since its debut for the 2007 model year. As a result, this overview uses applicable research and reviews from the2007 through 2017 model years.

Watch trade navigator options

The 2017 Lincoln Navigator's potent V6 engine, spacious cargo area and adult-friendly third-row seats earn reviewer praise, but it has some low-rentinterior materials. Trade navigator options make money.

The Navigator can tow up to 9,000 pounds, which is more than most rivals. The Navigator has a smooth, steady ride and generally composed handling, though the soft suspension can be a bit too isolating at times, making it difficult to tell what the road conditions are like.

The Mercedes-Benz GL has a smooth ride over broken pavement and lots of high-end materials in its cabin. The GL350 BlueTEC comes with a diesel enginethat earns much better fuel economy estimates than the Navigator.(trade navigator options make money.|)

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The Navigator indicator enables you to determine the correct direction of the price and target movement.

It checks the history for a similar situation and shows further development of events.

Indicator Parameters

Sample - number of the last bars in a sample the indicator will search for.

MaxBars - maximum number of bars in history for the sample search. This parameter is used to exclude very old historical data as the market changes over time. If the MaxBars value is greater than the number of bars in history, the search will be done using all available historical data.

Price - prices based on which the indicator is calculated: Close, High, Low, Median, Typical and Weighted.

MaPeriod - period of the Moving Average. If MaPeriod < Sample, this parameter has virtually no effect on the indicator calculations. If MaPeriod > Sample, the indicator will search for the sample, given the position of the latter relative to the moving average.

Scaling - scaling option, if Scaling=true, the indicator will search for the sample that is similar in terms of the signal form; if Scaling=false, the indicator will search for the sample that is similar both in terms of the signal form and amplitude (range).

How to Use the Indicator

If you hover the mouse over the indicator line, you will see the date of the similar situation.

It is better to use Navigator on multiple time frames or different instruments or data simultaneously. The indicator gives a stronger signal if values obtained simultaneously from different data sets match. Please see screenshots for further examples of use.

Before running Navigator, make sure that the required amount of price history is available.

This is a multicurrency indices cluster indicator with extended functionality. It displays linear changes in relative value of tickers and currencies on annual, monthly, weekly basis. It calculates the values.

This is a complete oscillator primarily based on Moving Average Convergence Divergence - a tool any trader must have to improve technical analysis. Compared to the standard MACD, the product shows.

This indicator is using 2 classical indicators: Commodity Channel Index from the higher TF (which you may change using input parameter TimeFrame) and Average True Range from the current TF. Los.

This indicator is strongly based on support and resistance points in any time-frame and on any chart, it also uses fractals, it judges the best time to buy or sell.

The arrow indicator U-turn provides signals of possible market reversals. Independent use of this indicator in trading is not recommended. Please use Uturn to filter your trading strategy. El indicador.

The indicator displays a histogram for the Relative Strength Index direction. This is calculated by taking the average up or down RSI movement (on Close, High and Low prices) for.

The indicator calculates running total of linear weighted returns. It transforms rates into integrated and difference-stationary time series with distinctive buy and sell zones. Buy zones are shown in blue.

This indicator lets you customize your own squeeze criteria to see when the ATR shows low volatility to a squeeze situation and when the ATR begins to show high volatility.

The FFx Dashboard MTF alerter will show you on a single chart all the timeframes (M1 to Monthly) with their own status for the indicator. 2 Alert Options: Single timeframe: each selected.

Supplement for Alpha Trend Spotter (ATS) Indicator. This indicator acts by price action. Use it when ATS shows clear Bullish or Bearish Trend for finding the strongest trend each day. Suitable for.

& Copy; 2017 Myfxbook Ltd. Todos los derechos reservados.

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FXDD Provides Complimentary Access To FX Navigator

FXDD Global, one of the largest dealers in the Forex industry, is offering active account holders free access to FX Navigator powered by TraderMade, an institutional-grade analytical tool for foreign exchange traders in effort to further enhance overall trading and user experience.

The tool has so far been in use by central banks and major asset management firms.

What does FX Navigator provide?

Powered by TraderMade, FX Navigator is a subscription-based charting tool and technical analysis workstation used by large asset managers and central banks.

With this offer, FXDD Global’s self-directed and institutional clients will be able to obtain all of the technology’s functionality free of charge, including: • Charting and technical analysis capabilities • Real-time streaming forex news along with FX market analysis in several languages • Accessibility on desktop, iPhone and other devices • 24-hour data on more than 42 currency pairs • Award-winning customer service and technical support through FXDD’s help desk and support services

“We are always looking for opportunities to make strategic investments that enable us to provide FXDD Global’s clients with world-class trading and investment technologies. This offering is part of our enduring commitment to put our clients first in everything we do,” said Emil Assentato, chairman and CEO at Currency Mountain Holdings, owner of FXDD Global.

The data provided via FX Navigator is made approachable through TraderMade, an independent provider of FX data and analytics. Traders and clients have relied on TraderMade for unbiased verification of FX data and pricing for more than 40 years.

About FXDD Global

FXDD is a unit of Currency Mountain Holding, a company with controlling interest in a number of leading brands within the foreign exchange trading industry, including Forexware, Forex Live, and Avatar Capital Group.

FXDD caters to the trading needs of individuals, institutional traders, hedge funds, brokers, money managers, and other corporate entities. The company’s headquarters are in Malta and is regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority.

Earlier this year, FXDD partnered with technology developer Tradency adding it to its Mirror Trader platform algorithmic trading options that were developed by hedge funds.

This entry was posted in News. Marcar el permalink.

Mensaje de navegación

1. You should specify the spread in the settings for the indicator to start working.

2. The indicator is made for 4 decimal platform. If you have 2 pips spread for EURUSD with your broker, you set Spread = 2.

If you trading platform uses 5 decimal price charts, (e. g. you see the spread for EURUSD as 1.12330 -> 5 digits), then if you need to have 2 pip spread for EURUSD you should input Spread = 20.

3. The rest of the settings allow to move the information window to the upper/lower left/right corner on the screen.

How to use 4xSpread. ex4 indicator

The usage is straight forward:

- the broker promised you to certain spreads for each currency pair. You can now input that promised number as your base Spread, and the indicator will tell you when the spread is high to trade (red) and when it's good to trade (green).

The spread = 2 pips. (You see "20" because the charts we use are 5 decimal charts)

The spread = 2.6 pips. (It's higher than we wanted).

The indicator is very useful for watching current spreads. During the trading news announcements, if you come to trade uninformed and unprepared, you can pay a high price of up to 15-25 pips for opening a trade at the wrong minute.

It's a pain in the butt! This indicator should tell you what YOUR broker is currently charging as a spread automatically and should have an option where one can place his/her threshold pips where if it is exceeded a flashing alert a few seconds and the color red is displayed.

Manually changing these values for every pair is a total pain in the pair!

when used 4xSpread,"show on all the timeframes" is dead.

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There is a risk of loss in trading foreign currencies and it is not suitable for everyone. We are compensated for our services through the bid-ask spread. CopyrightВ© 2017. All rights reserved. The services and products offered by Tradeview Ltd. are not being offered within the United States (US) and not being offered to US Persons, as defined under US law. As such, should you reside in or be a citizen of such a country, any email message received is not intended to serve as a solicitation or inducement on behalf of any of the aforementioned entities. Tradeview is a fully registered Broker/Dealer under the regulations of the Cayman Island Monetary Authority. TVCM Limited is a registered England and Wales company located at 15 Bromet Close, Watford, Hertfordshire WD17 4LP, United Kingdom, a wholly owned subsidiary of Tradeview Ltd.

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Stunning! The 2017 Lincoln Navigator [PHOTOS]

on March 26, 2017 at 7:37 pm

Take a long hard look at this stunning Lincoln Navigator concept, still big but not so brash. No, the cool gullwing doors and concertina steps will not make it to production. But the rest of the nautically themed concept unveiled at the New York auto show gives a solid indication of how Lincoln’s next generation flagship SUV will look.

Gullwings and steps are not for Lincoln showrooms but rest of Navigator concept is production intent. (Lincoln photo)

Model by model, Ford’s premium brand is reinventing itself with fresh designs, like the much anticipated Continental sedan, but the Navigator is particularly important because it is Lincoln’s most recognized nameplate, says division president, Kumar Galhotra.

2017 Lincoln Navigator rides on massive 24-inch wheels. (Lincoln photo)

2017 Lincoln Navigator concept. (Lincoln photo)

As a production car, the new Navigator goes on sale next year and will compete with rivals such as the Cadillac Escalade. But, says Galhotra, the Navigator will take a more discrete approach. “We are committed to provide what we call quiet luxury – vehicles and experiences that are elegant, effortlessly powerful and serene. With Navigator we’re showing fans of large SUVs how we can exceed their expectations, without being the loudest statement on the road.”

Follow us on Twitter at @thesignalng

Copyright 2017 SIGNAL . Permission to use portions of this article is granted provided appropriate credits are given to www. signalng. com and other relevant sources.

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For more information visit this site Heard of the new OptioNavigator tool? Optionavgiator is a trading robot. Understood as a “bot”, this type of software application is capable of recommending and/or executing trades automatically for you, utilizing algorithms and other data to choose the best readily available trade. Binary options are the most lucrative online …Read more »

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Powering the 2017 Lincoln Navigator is a twin-turbocharged V6 engine that feels powerful. A six-speed automatic transmission is standard, and it makesquick shifts. According to the EPA, the Navigator gets up to 16/22 mpg city/highway, which is on par for the class.

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While the 2017 Navigator's cabin has many high-end materials and is mostly well built, there are still some gaps between panels as well as hardplastics. The first - and second-row seats offer plenty of room and comfort, and the third row is spacious enough for adults, which is rare praise forthe class. The upgraded infotainment system will take some time to learn, but it's easier to use than the previous system. The Navigator has one ofthe largest cargo areas in the class. Trade navigator options.

The 2017 Lincoln Navigator ranks 8 out of 9 Luxury Large SUVs.

Trade navigator options - Read more

Description trade navigator options

The 2017 Lincoln Navigator can seat up to eight and comes in standard-wheelbase and long-wheelbase (Navigator L) body styles. Instead of trim levels, the Navigator is available with Select (base) and Reserve equipment groups. The Navigator comes standard with a twin-turbocharged 3.5-liter V6 engine, a six-speed automatic transmission and rear-wheel drive. Four-wheel drive is optional. The Navigator was significantly updated for the 2017 model yearbut is otherwise largely unchanged since its debut for the 2007 model year. As a result, this overview uses applicable research and reviews from the2007 through 2017 model years.

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See the different packages available for the 2017 Lincoln Navigator. Get detailed information on all options available to you.

The 2017 Lincoln Navigator's potent V6 engine, spacious cargo area and adult-friendly third-row seats earn reviewer praise, but it has some low-rentinterior materials.

The 2017 Navigator comes standard with a THX surround-sound audio system, navigation, two USB ports, satellite radio, HD Radio, Bluetooth, remotestart, dual-zone automatic climate control, blind spot monitoring, rear cross traffic alert, front and rear parking sensors, a rearview camera and theSYNC 3 infotainment system with an 8-inch touch screen. Optional features include a power moonroof and a rear-seat entertainment system. trade navigator options.

trade navigator options. The Navigator can tow up to 9,000 pounds, which is more than most rivals. The Navigator has a smooth, steady ride and generally composed handling, though the soft suspension can be a bit too isolating at times, making it difficult to tell what the road conditions are like.

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The 2017 Lincoln Navigator's potent V6 engine, spacious cargo area and adult-friendly third-row seats earn reviewer praise, but it has some low-rentinterior materials. Trade navigator options trade.

The Cadillac Escalade has a powerful yet quiet V8, as well as controlled handling and a comfortable ride. The Escalade has a lavish cabin filled withtop-notch materials, and like the Navigator, it is available in regular - and long-wheelbase configurations. trade navigator options.

The Mercedes-Benz GL has a smooth ride over broken pavement and lots of high-end materials in its cabin. The GL350 BlueTEC comes with a diesel enginethat earns much better fuel economy estimates than the Navigator.(trade navigator options trade.|)

Lincoln Navigator Answers Tesla Model X With Gullwing Doors

Investor's Business Daily - Wed Mar 23, 3:36PM CDT

Ford Motor 's (F) re-engineered Lincoln Navigator SUV has gullwing doors and a luxury look and feel, just like Tesla Motors ' (TSLA) Model X electric crossover, which features "Falcon Wing" doors.

The Navigator's single gullwing door opens to both the front and rear seats, while Tesla's Model X opens to the back only. The Navigator features ribbed seats and a push-button gear shift. Its 24-inch wheels further elevate drivers so they can see traffic above the cars ahead.

"It has the performance to go anywhere, more room than ever before, and the technology and the luxury to enjoy the ride and comfort," said Lincoln brand President Kumar Galhotra at the New York Auto Show, according to the Detroit Free Press .

While the Navigator on display is a concept car, Galhotra said the 2017 production model will look a lot like it.

Pricing hasn't been set for the new model, but the 2017 model sells for about $65,000. Tesla’s Model X has a base price of about $80,000.

Ford fell 2.4% on the stock market today as shares continue to meet resistance a little below the 200-day moving average. Tesla tumbled 5%, moving back below its 200-day.

Also at the show, Honda Motor 's (HMC) Acura brand is showing a refreshed RDX luxury crossover SUV with upgrades such as LED projector headlights and taillights, and driver-assist technologies. Honda's U. S.-listed shares dropped 2%.

The 2017 BMW X3 SUV has optional LED headlights and a new exterior look with kidney-shaped grille and exterior mirrors with integrated turn signals lights. Its 2.0-liter TwinPower Turbo gas engine produces 240 horsepower, propelling it from 0 to 60 mph in 6.2 seconds.

Among other new or upgraded SUVs at the show, Daimler (DDAIF)-owned Mercedes-Benz' AMG performance brand is showing the GLC43 midsize SUV, which hits 155 mph. Nissan Motor 's (NSANY) Infiniti luxury brand introduced a refreshed QX70 crossover. Its U. S. shares, traded over the counter, slid 2%.

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Quebec Slow Food Resources



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When people ask me that question, I usually have trouble responding. For one – Quebec is Canada’s largest province. Thus some of its traditional foods and recipes can vary even within the region itself. Second, Quebec’s rich history is also reflected in many of its delightful meals, and while the French cuisine’s influence is indisputable, other nations and regions have also had significant impact. This contributes to a very diverse and delicious regional cuisine.

Want to make a slow food meal from Quebec’s traditional cuisine? Don’t settle for any recipe that is less than stellar! You can make something as simple as a crock pot soup recipes or a more delicious and complex dish such as coq au vin. pate chinois. tourtière, ragout de boulettes and sugar pie. These are all fantastic meals, give them a try! They are definitely the things that I miss—and will miss—when I’m away.

Winter is here. It’s snowing outside. Wind is howling. I went outside to take some pictures today and I have to tell you – the camera was a lot happier in the 13 degree wind chill than I was.

And when we talk about neige (snow) in Quebec and all things snow-related, we have to mention Tire sur la neige, because that’s one of the province’s most distinctive offerings. Tire sur la neige, or sometimes simply tire d’érable, is a taffy made by boiling maple sap past the point where it would form maple syrup but not so long that it becomes maple butter or maple sugar and pouring it directly onto fresh snow. The result is a soft, flexible, delicious sugar candy that you have to try.

Tire sur la neige is available at most sugar shacks but you can also certainly make it at home. The recipe is below. It’s so easy to make and delicious to eat! Disfruta!

Maple Taffy on Snow; Tire sur la neige

12 popsicle sticks

2 cups pure maple syrup

clean, cold snow. You can use crushed ice. (I suggest putting the snow in the freezer overnight to ensure that it’s super cold)

Note: Make sure you have everything laid out well before hand. Once your maple syrup passes the 200′F mark, you really need to really pay attention, because the temperature will reach 245′F very fast.

In your small pot, boil the maple syrup until it reaches a hard ball stage and until the candy thermometer registers at least 245˚F. A word of caution: It will be VERY HOT! Handle with care!

Transfer the syrup into a measuring cup for pouring.

Pour the maple syrup in a line on your snow. Wait for half a minute for the taffy to set and harden, and then roll your maple syrup taffy around a Popsicle stick. Disfruta!

Winter in Québec is by far my favorite season. I often tell people that winter is the best time to visit Québec. Yes, it’s cold, but Old Québec turns simply magical. Lights, decorations, and a whole German Christmas market become part of downtown Quebec. It’s no wonder that CNN is ranks the city among the world’s top ten destinations for celebrating the holidays!

If you happen to spend the holidays, particularly Christmas Eve in Quebec you might be lucky enough to be invited to a traditional Christmas feast after midnight Mass. The feast is an old tradition from France called reveillon. And celebrating the holidays the traditional way in Québec would not be done right without having a tourtière at the table. Tourtière a pie made with potatoes and various meats, including finely diced pork veal or beef, and four spices – cinnamon, clove, allspice and nutmeg. A traditional Christmas réveillon or New Year’s Eve meal in Québec would not be complete without it.

You could buy tourtière at most grocery stores, but what I certainly recommend is making it at home. Better yet, do it the slow food way – invite some friends or family over to share it, or even — you can make a little tourtière competition, where everyone brings their own.

There are different variations of tourtière around Canada, and even within Québec. The biggest difference is in the meats that get put in it, though the condiment or sauce that the tourtiere is served with at the end can also vary. Whatever the difference is, they are all delicious! Below is my favorite traditional version, but whatever your version is, it always makes for a very memorable dish, that’s for sure!

The Best Tourtière Recipe

Makes 6 to 8 Servings . Uses a 9-inch pie pan.

2 1/2 cups flour

1/2 cups butter, cubed (just cooler than room temperature, but still firm)

½ cup cold lard or vegetable shortening, cubed

1/4 cup water (room temperature)

3 tbsp sour cream

1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves

2 pound ground pork

1 1/2 cups cold water

1 cup onion, finely chopped

1/2 cup celery, finely chopped

1 teaspoon ground black pepper

1 teaspoon dried savory

1/2 teaspoon dried rosemary

1/2 teaspoon grated nutmeg

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 cup old-fashioned rolled oats

1 egg, beaten, for glaze

Pastry (make the day before)

In a food processor, mix flour, butter and salt. Using pastry blender, cut in butter and lard until you get pieces the size of small beads. In a separate bowl, mix egg, water and thyme leaves. Add to the food processor, pulse until dough just comes to together. Remove from the processor and form a ball, trying not to work the dough. Cover or wrap with plastic film and refrigerate for at least 12 hours.

In a large skillet, heat over medium heat, combine pork with cold water, and heat to boiling point. Let it remain slightly soupy.

Add onion, celery, pepper, savory, rosemary, nutmeg, cinnamon and bay leave. Cook, covered, over low heat for one and a half hours, stirring often. If the mixture dries out, add more water. When the mixture is ready, season with salt to taste.

Stir in rolled oats and cook, stirring, for one to two minutes.

Remove bay leaf and allow to cool.

Preparing the Tourtière

Preheat oven to 425 F.

Line a 9-inch pie plate with the pastry. When the meat mixture is lukewarm, spoon it into the pie shell.

Brush around outer edge of pastry with the beaten egg and cover it with the remaining pastry. Trim pastry, crimp edges and cut steam vents in top crust. Decorate with pastry cutouts as desired.

Bake in the preheated oven at 425 F for 15 minutes, then reduce heat to 375 F, and bake another 25 minutes or until crust is golden.

Optional: Apply egg wash five minutes before removing from oven.

I like to describe poutine as one of these dishes that can be simple and complicated at the same time! To make a really good poutine, you need 3 things! Simple, right? But here’s where the quality really makes a difference! Because how good the 3 ingredients are would make or break the dish!

So, what are the 3 ingredients? Really good fries, gravy and cheese curds.

Good fries are pretty much available everywhere in Quebec. I personally prefer double fried french fries, but that’s certainly not the healthiest! Whatever fries you decide to go with, and whether you cook them at home or buy them, make sure that the next 2 ingredients are up to par.

Everyone has a go-to gravy recipe. It can be very simple or more complicated. You can even buy your poutine sauce online, but if you choose to make one yourself, you can look for a recipe online. I’m providing you below with my favorite go-to recipe, but feel free to find one that you’re happy with yourself! Here’s a basic gravy recipe that might do it for you (although I’d add a bit more spices like paprika and dried mustard and maybe a splash of worcestershire sauce and season it with salt and freshly ground pepper):


2 tablespoons cornstarch

2 tablespoons warm water

6 tablespoons unsalted butter

1/4 cup unbleached all-purpose flour

1 small shallot, minced

2 cloves garlic, finely chopped

2 cans 10 oz beef broth, undiluted

¼ tsp cayenne pepper

1 can 10 ounces chicken broth

Salt and Pepper, to taste

In a small bowl, dissolve the cornstarch in the water. Set aside.

In a small saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat. Add the flour and cook for about 5 minutes, stirring until the mixture turns golden brown. Add the garlic and cook for about 30 seconds.

Increase the heat and add the broth. Bring to a boil, stirring with a whisk. Stir in the cornstarch mixture and simmer, stirring occasionally, for approximately 5 minutes or until the sauce thickens.

Taste and season with salt and pepper, if needed.

And the last ingredient is…. Cheese curds. Yes, they are delicious, but can be rather complicated. Here’s a more complicated recipe (but oh, so worth it!).

2 Gallons of Milk are heated to 96F, add 1/2 tsp of calcium chloride at this point.

(Optional; If you want more color in the curds add 1/4-1/2 tsp of annato cheese coloring at this point)

Add 1 packet of thermophilic culture C-201 and let this ripen for 30 minutes.

Then add 1/2 tsp rennet and stir gently for 30 seconds.

the milk will begin to gel in 6-10 minutes and a full set ready to cut in 18 -25 min

When firm cut the curds into 3/4 inch cubes and stir 5 minutes.

Then begin to cook the curds to 116F slowly over the next 30 minutes. (starting out at 2F every 5 minutes and then increasing the heating rate as the curds dry out)

Continue to stir the curds for the next 30-60 min at 116F to increase firmness.

Drain in cloth and bundle by tightening the cloth.

Press with a weight of 1 Gallon of water (app. 8 lbs) and let set 1-3 hours.

Now break the curds into small bite size pieces and toss with a bit of salt (to your taste) they are ready to eat. I simply store mine in a plastic bag

If you have any cheese curds left, combine the 3 ingredients to make the most delicious poutine ever! And I know my poutine!

Save the date for our annual national meeting happening APRIL 6-10 in Invermere, BC! Slow Food Columbia Valley. À vos agendas! La réunion nationale annuelle aura lieu du 6 AU 10 AVRIL à Invermere en Colombie-Britannique!

Terra Madre Salone del Gusto will be held from September 22 to 26, 2017. The traditional dates of the Salone have been moved almost a full month earlier in order to fully enjoy the warm weather of late summer/early autumn in the charming city of Turin.

Who doesn’t love eating? Isn’t the best food the kinda your mother would make, slowly cooking in the oven as you played outside. Everytime you came in, the smell of fresh cooked bread or that slow cooked coq au vin would be working its way through your nostrils.

I have spent quite an amount of time around Quebec’s finest restaurants, and one thing I know is if its done fast, it probably doesn’t belong on my plate! Low and slow for the roast is by far the way to go!

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This results in a net theta of 169.2. This can be interpreted as your position making 9.20 per day. Because option behavior isn't adjusted daily, you'll have to hold your position roughly a week before you'll be able to notice these changes and profit from them.

Pt 6 Dan Passarelli on "Trading FX Options Greeks: Factors that Drive Profit" fx option gamma trading.

ThetaTheta is the decay rate in an option's value that can be attributed to the passage of one day's time. With this spread, we will exploit the decayof theta to our advantage to extract a profit from the position. Of course, many other spreads do this; but as you'll discover, by hedging the netgamma and net delta of our position, we can safely keep our position direction neutral in terms of price. Fx option gamma trading.

Getting a firm grasp on your Greeks will help you judge what option is the best to trade, based on your outlook for the underlying. If you don’tcontend with the Greeks, though, you could be flying into your next option trade blind. Why not learn to speak a little Greek instead?

Fx option gamma trading - Read more

Read more fx option gamma trading

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Consistent Pricing of FX Options Antonio Castagna Fabio Mercurio Banca IMI, Milan In the current markets, options with difierent strikes or maturities are usually priced

For Callable PRDCs - which are not replicable - the present value and the risks are now computed using quasi-Monte Carlo simulations and can takeseveral hours. The same can be said of the TARN PRDCs and Chooser PRDCs (which are also callable).

One of the characteristics of the teachings of Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) and the commandments of Islamic Shariah is that they Continue Readingfx option gamma trading.

fx option gamma trading. Like gamma, vega is positive when you buy options and negative when you sell them. The sign is not affected whether trading a call or put.

Just as the passage of time affects all the Greeks, it also affects dividends. The more time to expiration, the more quarterly dividends may occur inthe same period. So any change in a dividend will have a greater effect on longer-term options than shorter-term contracts. Dividend amounts for anystock may be found under TradeKing’s Quotes + Research tab.

Video fx option gamma trading

The above graph illustrates the behaviour of both call and put option deltas as they shift from being out-of-the-money (OTM) to at-the-money (ATM) andfinally in-the-money (ITM). Note that calls and puts have opposite deltas - call options are positive and put options are negative. Fx option gamma trading make money.

At-the-money put options have a delta around -0.50 or -50. Deltas of ITM puts typically range from -0.50 to -1.00 (-50 to -100). Put options that areOTM often have a delta ranging from 0 to -0.50 (0 to -50).fx option gamma trading.

Vega is one of the most important Greeks, but it often doesn’t get the respect it deserves. Vega is the amount a theoretical option’s price willchange for a corresponding one-unit (percentage-point) change in the implied volatility of the option contract. Simply stated, Vega is the Greek thatfollows implied volatility (IV) swings.

As the market moves in either direction, the call or the put usually will become more valuable, while the other option becomes less valuable. Withenough movement, the probabilities (thus the deltas) of the options will change. When the positive deltas of the calls and the negative deltas of theputs get dramatically out of balance, the position’s total net delta becomes unbalanced. That imbalance of deltas allows us opportunity.

The chart above depicts the behaviour of the gamma of options at various strikes expiring in 3 months, 6 months and 9 months when the stockis currently trading at .(fx option gamma trading make money.|)

Let’s consider an example: a 50 strike call option with the stock trading at. Let’s further assume we have 60 days to expiration, the annualrisk-free interest rate is currently 5%, there are no dividends pending with this option, and implied volatility is currently 25%. The price of thecall option is .25, and rho is .045 or 4.5 cents. This means if nothing else in the marketplace changes except the interest rate increases by onepercentage-point, the call option would increase by the amount of the rho. In this case, the price of the call would increase in value by about fivecents, to about .30 (.25 +

The next question is to look at how frequently you would delta hedge this position, but we will leave that for another day.

045 = .295). Interest rates don’t usually jump by a full percentage point at a time; a more likely occurrence isthat they’d move a quarter-point (0.25%) or half-point (0.5%). For these fractional moves, multiply the rho by the amount of the interest rate change(either .25 or .50), and the result would be the theoretical impact on the option’s price (about one or two cents). If interest rates declined insteadof increased, the call price would be expected to decrease by the amount of the rho multiplied by the change in the interest rate.

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March 9, 2017 / admin / 0 Comments

Luxury Limousine Service have made it feasible for individuals searching for a hassle-free as well as comfy method of traveling to do so by selecting from a fleet of Limos. Along with this, this is at cost effective rates and you do not have any valid reason for adhering to car services that fall way here your typical assumptions. Preferably, these are tailored in the direction of making sure that your requirements are met and exceeded at any kind of given time. A lot of these fall in the category of the current fleet and even hence, you are put at liberty to enjoy just what most people would consider out of range.

By large, it is essential to note that a few of the solutions covered in this arrangement might for example excellent wedding event packages. These are geared to making sure that your wedding is a success as well as it leaves you with an unforgettable memory. Secondly, there are those tailored towards offering tours and even nights from community and therefore, they make sure that you do this in style as well as convenience.

Company occasions are another major facet covered by these services given that they make sure that you develop an impressionable memory psychological of business affiliates or competitors and also finally, there are flight terminal transfers which guarantee that you get off the airport terminal as well as to your location effortlessly and even without having to go through the regular pressure of airport terminals.

Among one of the most essential aspects that make limousines in Toronto perfect is that these are delivered with accuracy and even commitment and also because of this, one can barely obtain services that drop below the common assumptions. Just what is more, the car is supplied to a location of your option and because of this, this increases ease on your component. Check here for more info.

March 7, 2017 / admin / 0 Comments

Limo services certainly come with an expense. Most typical income earners aim to limousine solution companies on special occasions such as wedding events, college graduations, or wedding anniversaries. However whether you make use of town vehicle services routinely or simply want a reliable airport taxi. you wish to take care to discover a respectable firm with a record of outstanding service. Without a doubt, the fundamental price of town automobile solution does not always identify the level of top quality, problem of automobiles, or ability of the driver. So what should you ask a community automobile service business?

What kind of encounter do they have?

Not just are you going to be interested in for how long a firm has been supplying limousine solutions, yet you likewise want to know if they have experience with your sort of occasion. Attempt to obtain some information about for how long they have actually remained in business, as older companies are most likely to have even more encounter. On top of that, talk to them concerning the kinds of solutions they provide and even whether they could accommodate your demands for your special occasion.

Exactly how are they accredited?

Companies that give limousine or town automobile solution should also be accredited suitably. Relying on your province of house, these license requirements may vary and also you will intend to ensure that they are qualified suitably. Without correct licenses, your community car as well as vehicle driver could not be properly guaranteed and you may inevitably be libel for any crashes or accidents.

Do they have any specialist affiliations?

Subscription in specialist associations such as The National Limo Organization or the Canadian Limo Organization could supply item of mind to prospective customers. These associations need that community vehicle as well as limo companies meet a minimal specification of service.

Can they offer referrals?

Speaking with past clients about their encounter with a specific business could help you pick a reputable town automobile solution. A fast background check makes it simpler to stay clear of future issues while likewise providing you a far better concept of what to anticipate from your driver and even automobile. In addition, don’t hesitate to talk with loved ones members regarding which limousine solutions they have actually utilized and even their encounter with these business.

What type of lorries do they have?

Next, you will intend to talk to car service firms concerning the sorts of cars they have and also regarding the possibility of seeing the vehicles in advance. If you’re arrange for town auto solution for a trip to the airport or to organize for a night out with buddies you may not be as worried regarding the condition of the car than if you’re looking for services for your wedding event or college graduation. No matter, business must at least be able to supply you with some images of vehicles, and in many cases you will certainly be able to examine the lorry in advance. Additionally, you can get details regarding exactly what fleet lorries they use, especially if you want specific brand of auto.

Just how much does it set you back?

Lastly, your budget plan is very important, and because renting a limo or town vehicle can be pricey, you will want to obtain some quotes. As stated, the cost of service is not consistently indicative of high quality, so don’t hesitate to pick a less costly community car if all your research shows they are a credible business. Check here for more information.

October 29, 2017 / admin / 0 Comments

Airport cabs are substantially various from limos in terms of solution and also devices. It’s easy to see why Toronto airport limo are superior in terms of solution. When you work with a limo service, you could expect on-time integrity, an exceptional degree of professionalism from the driver, and much better communication top quality in any way stages (from booking to follow-up). You will likewise notice that limo provider provide even more focus on your comfort while in the automobile, typically providing free papers, satellite music, bottles of water, as well as different little derails that favorably affect your overall enjoyment of the trip.

Taxi cabs as well as limousines are additionally different when it comes to devices – that is, the quality, condition, and the high-end connected with the cars themselves, continuing via upkeep high quality, scent, tidiness, and all the various other factors affecting the physical setting. Limos often offer equipment at the higher end of the range while flight terminal taxicabs tend to give reduced levels of both equipment and solution.

Booked Toronto flight terminal limousines are a lot more lavish than on-demand taxis considering that when work with a limousine service, you are basically working with an individual chauffeur and also a great automobile. They offer just you, to take you where you should be or to be on call whenever you require them within a marked period. You are getting transportation, however you likewise, even more particularly, getting devoted time. The limousine solution vehicle driver leaves the garage area especially to meet you as well as care for your using convenience. This can not be more different than how taxis job.

Toronto airport taxicabs do not concentrate on convenience, solution, high-end, or cleanliness their goal is to bang out as numerous trips as feasible. The airport terminal’s on-demand taxicab fleets are typically low-cost and efficient, however they are not luxurious. They adhere to a low-price, high-volume design as well as therefore can not give the degree of personal attention a Toronto airport terminal limousine would give.

Limos are also a lot more reputable compared to airport cabs when it comes to timeliness, for that reason a lot of the people would love to like Toronto airport limo service instead of taxicabs. On-demand taxis could not have the ability to choose you up on your set up pickup time due to the fact that they could get tied up in a different part of the city trying to sneak in another trip. Perhaps the last journey was to a location far from where you are, and also currently the cab franchise can not rather work out your reservation. So if time is essential, it consistently makes even more sense to go for an advance-schedule, devoted limousine solution to pick you up from the flight terminal and take you to your home, workplace, or hotel in Toronto. Check here for more information.

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Moving from small time retail forex accounts to a serious account size comes with some bumps in the road. Most traders see the prices of forex pairs on the screen and assume that they can buy and sell unlimited quantities at any time. Although the forex market is the largest market of any in the world, making it the most liquid, there is still a limited size to what you can trade at any moment.

Reading Forex Market Depth

NinjaTrader and MB Trading both make market depth information available in their trading screens. It shows where all of the nearby liquidity lies. Say, for example, that you wanted to place a big order for EUR/USD. You can see in the screenshot from MB Trading’s platform that the currency market depth gets bigger as you get further from the price. They call these “Level 2” quotes, which is jargon taken from equities traders.

MB Trading’s Navigator shows the market depth of the EUR/USD. Light colors show the best prices, darker prices indicate distance from the best price.

I took this screenshot in the late afternoon when liquidity is at its worst. The best bid shows a depth of 200, which is measured in mini lots of 10,000. You could sell up to 2 million EUR/USD and get filled at that price. Notice, however, that most of the liquidity is further away. 3 million sits at the next best price and another 3 million even further from that. The net available liquidity is 8 million on the short side and 6 million on the long side for a total of 14 million.

The FX Pro screen in NinjaTrader makes it even clearer. I took this screenshot several minutes later, which is why liquidity numbers are different. One thing I really like about this screen is that NinjaTrader converts the currency market depth into more tangible numbers. The formatting makes more sense to me. Plus, it’s much easier to keep track of the varying spread .

The FX Pro screen in NinjaTrader

What you learned in economics doesn’t apply to trading. Dealing in bulk actually leads to worse pricing instead of improved pricing. The reason is that forex instruments are so standardized that there’s effectively never a lack of customers. It’s really an issue of getting how much much you want at a certain speed.

Only a fool would hit the market with 20M EURUSD instantaneously unless you’re desperate to exit a position. If you push a market order judging solely from the quote on the screen, you may get 2-8 million filled at the displayed price. But, the rest of the order will get filled at progressively worse prices. The traders making a market want their pound of flesh for letting someone into the market so quickly.

Traders cannot see the liquidity depth of most brokers because they elect not to show it. Their platforms encourage the buy this, buy that psychology. The more information that they broadcast, the more bandwidth that’s required, which means that better servers are required.

The EURUSD is the most liquid forex pair in the world. This varies largely by broker, but at any given time you should be able to trade 20-30 million EUR/USD. That doesn’t mean that you’ll get filled at the price on the screen. What that means is that that is the sum quantity available at any given moment.

Some brokers hide their quantity. It’s not like the stock market where if there are 15,000 shares of Microsoft ready to trade at any given moment, you can see 100% of the liquidity available. In forex, as an OTC market, the broker may wish to restrict the viewable book for a few reasons.

If you offer markets from say 5 banks, it’s very rare for the broker to feed the best competitive price and to let the banks fight it out? ¿Por qué? Because the broker also needs the banks to stick around when nobody wants to trade.

It’s an informal agreement that if I’m retail broker A and UBS is my main liquidity feed, I go out of my way to give UBS the good flow. My customers expect to trade during NFP and other volatile markets (although they really shouldn’t!). If the brokerage simply lets the banks fight it out, then the banks have every reason to let the brokerage rot on the vine when their customers want to trade but it’s bad for the banks. The banks certainly don’t want to take positions in volatile markets. Their only incentive for doing so is if the “good flow” that the forex broker sends during normal markets incentivizes them to accept the risk of losing more than they care to during NFP.

News traders are the most likely to try trading during a thin market. They are also the most likely to complain about not being able to trade. These are the arguments to which I’m least sympathetic. If you’re trading the news, you are overwhelmingly likely to have less than one year of trading experience. The decision has nothing to do with researching systems or evaluating whether or not it’s a good idea. It has everything to do with gambling.

Retail traders are the most likely to trade during volatile events, not just news but really any type of momentum. Almost everyone follows a breakout or momentum strategy. It has everything to do with what traders perceive as the most likely outcome. When the market explodes in one direction, it takes nerves of steel to stand in front of the freight train. Therefore, it’s probably a good idea because it’s counter-intuitive.

Trends happen so slowly that they don’t excite the gambling buzz that most retail forex traders are after. My friend Afshin in Dublin fell victim to this last week. He saw the EUR/USD rising day after day after day. He felt like it was simply overdue for a correction. The urge to participate, rather than coming from a desire for a quick hit, instead came from a desire to be right before there was any clear indication of the opportunity to be right. The point is that what feels natural to do is often precisely the wrong thing to do. It feels natural to every other trader, too.

Market Depth and Direction

One research project that I’d eventually love to do is to study how market depth on any given side of a market affects direction. Some traders run simple liquidity businesses where they receive trading rebates in exchange for accepting the risk of holding a position over the short run. These entities are less likely to concern themselves with picking the direction of the market.

Trading desks that make markets, however, often want the flow so that they can establish a position and earn the spread while doing so. These entities are picking direction – and they are backed by very intelligent math geeks with PhDs and a lot of time on their hands. If those desks make a visibly deep market and it’s sufficiently one sided, then it’s probably safe to assume that they expect to the market to move in the opposite direction.

When you’re buying a forex pair, the bank is selling it to you. So if everyone stacks the liquidity so that you can buy but the liquidity is thin on the short side, it should be telling you that the smart money wants to go short right now.

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